I have got the first incarnation of my JavaFX app running on my Udoo board, a FreeScale based ARM. It is using the sw pipeline, not the Vivante yet, but there is another problem first.

When I connect a mouse the mouse coordinates are interpreted correctly, but the touch events, or touch position is incorrect. When I run X11 both mouse and touch is correct.

The Y axis follows the screen correctly, however the X axis seems to be flipped. I've run the app with flipXY, but that is incorrect as it flips both X & Y. I've also tried to set the minX and maxX the other way around, hoping that the LinuxTouchTransform would calculate the transform for X as -1, it doesn't unfortunately.

I don't know of another property to set. Is there any? If not, how can I contribute to the JavaFX project so that I can solve this?


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