Moreover, the following two sentences:

"However, this is an incorrect way to compute a hash code of two values."
"This can lead to hard-to-find bugs anywhere that instances of Pair are used in a data structure like a HashSet or HashTable."

seem to indicate misunderstanding of what hashcode is and how it is to be used.

Best regards,
Alexander Kouznetsov
(408) 276-0387

On 3 ноя 2015 13:42, Alexander Kouznetsov wrote:
After the fix, you should expect another incident report of

Objects.hash(1, 0) == Objects.hash(0, 31)

always true :-)

I'd rather file another bug on key == null causing NPE and closing this one as incomplete or not an issue.

Best regards,
Alexander Kouznetsov
(408) 276-0387

On 3 ноя 2015 12:07, Vadim Pakhnushev wrote:
Hmm, yeah, the actual difference is in the prime number only (that is changing the algorithm only doesn't improve anything), so the only remaining reason to fix this is that Objects.hash guards against null values (and I forgot to mention it in the review). The key in Pair could actually be null and in this case hashCode will throw NPE.


On 03.11.2015 23:01, Vadim Pakhnushev wrote:
Well, not exactly... Previously it was 13*hash(a) + hash(b) and now it's 31*(31 + hash(a)) + hash(b). And apparently it improves the quality somehow. I did a test with 100^4 combinations and collision probability dropped by the factor of 3 from 0.065% to 0.022%. Not really impressive, but still, and it uses well-defined utility method. Yeah, I know it's not really a bug since you don't want to rely on the hashCode at all...


On 03.11.2015 22:35, Jim Graham wrote:
All this does is change the prime constant used to produce the hash value.

Objects.hash(a, b) uses 31*hash(a) + hash(b) instead of the 13*hash(a) + hash(b) that the embedded implementation uses.

I don't really think this is a bug. The fact that Integer objects make it easy to reverse engineer and compute collisions of any reasonable hash combination computation don't mean that the technique has a bug, it just means that the submitter can read the code and think of a counter-example.

If there are practical problems being caused for some particular and popular use case by the use of this particular constant "13", then we need to understand those issues and come up with a more comprehensive solution than to simply hand off to another mechanism which uses the same procedure with a different prime constant...


On 11/3/15 3:06 AM, Vadim Pakhnushev wrote:
Hi Chien,

Could you please review the fix:


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