On 12/2/15, 3:29 AM, Bryan Buchanan wrote:
I have a customer testing an FX app and more often than not, if the app is
left open for a while (20 minutes or so), either the mouse ceases to work,
or if it does work, when you click a field, or do something that should
re-paint the window, the whole FX window goes totally grey and the app
"disappears" would seem to indicate that the app has failed in some nasty 
fashion. The obvious question is if there is anything on the console/command line, or if 
there is any java crash dump in the launch directory (usually something like hs*.log).

If you have an indication that this is happening (mouse dying for example), then you try to force a jvm 
dump. The way I normally do it is to type ctrl-\ in the terminal window that is running the java command. 
The command line 'kill -QUIT <pid>" or "kill -3 <pid>" can also do this. In 
this case the dump goes to stdout, so you need something to capture this to a file. For this I tend to do 
something like:
     java <my usual args> 2>&1 | tee my_log.txt
This also grabs stderr as a bonus.

I suspect that there is something going on that is kicking to application 
thread main loop - something we try to protect against.

If you can capture a decent log, file a bug against it and I will likely be the 
one to root around in it to see if I can find anything that helps (there is a 
lot of stuff in one of those logs and it takes a bit to learn how to untangle 


I've tried starting with "-Dprism.verbose=true -Dprism.order=sw" and
without these options, and it seems to make no difference.

The system is Xubuntu 14.0.43,  kernel 3.13.0-71 running on a Gigabyte
Brix, and Java 64 bit build 1.8.0_60-b27. I don't have this hardware in my
office, but have run up a system with the same OS, kernel and Java, and
cannot re-produce the problem.

Are the any other command line switches, or debug flags that I can set to
try and get a handle on why this is happening ?

(Hope this is the right list for issues like this).

David Hill<david.h...@oracle.com>
Java Embedded Development

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the 
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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