Yes, please. Just get Jim to code review it and you can push it to 9-dev yourself, since you are a committer.

For JDK 8, you need to request approval to backport. If approved by me, then you can push it to 8u-dev.

-- Kevin

Johan Vos wrote:
Hi Jim,

Passing the contentWidth to the update() fixes the problem as well, and if
the excessive memory is not needed (as in my proposal), this is of course
much better.
Can I create an issue and suggest the following patch (this is for 8, but I
can do a similar for 9)?

- Johan

--- a/modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/prism/impl/ Thu
Mar 03 03:22:09 2016 +0100

+++ b/modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/prism/impl/ Wed
Mar 09 10:59:35 2016 +0100

@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@

             // since it was bound and unflushed...

             maskTex.update(maskBuffer, maskTex.getPixelFormat(),

                            0, 0, 0, 0, highMaskCol, nextMaskRow,

-                           maskTex.getPhysicalWidth(), true);

+                           maskTex.getContentWidth(), true);


             curMaskRow = curMaskCol = nextMaskRow = highMaskCol = 0;


On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:43 PM, Jim Graham <> wrote:

I think I see the issue.

In the code that calls maskTex.update(...) it passes
maskTex.physicalWidth() as the scan stride of the buffer, but the scan
stride of the buffer is based on the content size, not the physical size.
Thus, the checkUpdateParams() method overestimates how many bytes are
consumed by the operation.

Changing that to maskTex.getContentWidth() should be fine...


On 3/8/16 6:14 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

We got a number of bug reports (on Android and iOS) reported by developers
using large images:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Upload requires 2475266 elements, but
only 1549938 elements remain in the buffer

at com.sun.prism.impl.BaseTexture.checkUpdateParams(

at com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Texture.update(

at com.sun.prism.impl.BaseContext.flushVertexBuffer(

at com.sun.prism.impl.BaseContext.updateMaskTexture(


I traced this down to the following:

initially, a buffer of [1024 * 1024] is allocated by
BaseContext.validateMaskTexture. When the MaskData becomes bigger than
(w or h), a new buffer is allocated with capacity [newTexW * newTexH] with
newTexW and newTexH the new width/height that are passed when creating a
new Texture. However, the physical size of the texture can be different --

ES2Texture.create (ES2Context, PixelFormat, WrapMode, int, int, bool) will
in some cases set the real texWidth/height to the next power of 2.

Subsequently, in next rendering loops when the Texture needs to be
it is checked whether the capacity of the buffer is large enough to hold
the texture. In this case, the physical width is passed and the buffer is
not large enough.

Adding the following two lines in BaseContext.validateMaskTexture() (line
220) fixes the problem:

             newTexW = Math.max(newTexW, maskTex.getPhysicalWidth());

             newTexH = Math.max(newTexH, maskTex.getPhysicalHeight());

Using this patch, the size of the buffer will take the physical size of
texture into account. I'm not sure this is the best approach though.

- Johan

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