Thanks, Dave.

This is a great step forward and is a necessary piece to enable us to eventually move to a later JDK 9 for building JavaFX (we are stuck at build 109 for now).

-- Kevin

David Hill wrote:

We have a new trick in the FX repo to help with running FX apps backed by a Jigsaw enabled build.

If you build FX with JIGSAW_HOME set to a JDK 9 build later than build 110, then the Jigsaw modules will be generated. These modules can be used with -Xpatch to override the modules in JDK9. Unfortunately each module must be listed separately, and we need a -Djava.library.path to find the built native libraries - a very verbose command line...

But... recently added to the build, a new file is now created: build/xpatch.args that has all of this for you.

export JIGSAW_HOME="path_to_top_of_JDK9"
export JFX_BUILD="path_to_top_of_your_repo"
alias javafx='$JIGSAW_HOME/bin/java @$JFX_BUILD/build/xpatch.args'

This alias uses the @argfile mechanism to include all that Xpatch/java.library.path verbosity to create a single command to run FX backed by your recently built binaries.

Get your Jigsaw enabled JDK9 preview here:

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