> On Jun 8, 2016, at 3:29 AM, Robert Lichtenberger <r.lichtenber...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> 2) Do we want to have different behaviors for OS X and non-OS X? I'm a
>> newly inducted member into the cult of Mac, and I don't yet have all
>> my bearings sorted out, so I don't have a strong opinion here.
> Please don't make different OSes behave differently as this is a real pain. I 
> would much prefer, if JavaFX-Applications behave the same on all platforms.

That ship has already sailed. I think it it's the right thing to do. Mac users 
want a screen menu bar and they want the okay and cancel buttons to be in the 
correct place in dialogs.
Respect the conventions and UI guidelines of the platform. The best Swing Java 
UIs were ones that used the platform look and feel so it wasn't easy to tell it 
was a Java app.

In this particular case Mac got it right and Windows, as usual, has the screwed 
up UI. But if JavaFX accommodated the Windows behaviour I could tolerate it 
because it would just be following the Windows convention on the Windows 


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