What do you need to know about the new modular build (or how does this affect 
me ?)

I have covered the need for a new Gradle 3.1+, JDK 9 build 142+ already, so 
moving beyond that....

FIVE Shocking things you need to know about the new build.... !!!!!!!  :-)


There is NO jfxrt.jar anymore. This quite a change, but the new practice has 
already been talked about before. The build produces:
(Note: run.args was renamed from xpatch.args as the java command line arguments 
These are "argfiles" which is a way of batching up command line option for ease 
of use. Fyi, argfiles work with javac in JDK8, and were added to the java command in JDK9.

Assuming you have reset JDK_HOME to point to JDK 9 ea build 142+, then building 
an running an FX application from the command lines would look like this:
    $JDK_HOME/bin/javac @_path_to_/compile.args -d build 
    $JDK_HOME/bin/java   @_path_to_/run.args -cp build mytest.MyTestApp

Please note that these arg files contain absolute paths to your repository 
artifacts. If you want to copy the artifacts (rt/build/modular-sdk) to another 
location, then there is a script (rt/tools/scripts/make_runargs.sh) to generate 
a new run.args file

There is a corresponding set of argfiles that contain the test "shim" classes 
as well as the full modules. These are testrun.args and testcompile.args. Because the 
test modules modules contain a module-info.class (it is filtered out when we copy to 
rt/build/modular-sdk) it is quite likely that you will see one or more:
WARNING: module-info.class not allowed in patch: (path to the module)
These are annoying and harmless, and there is nothing we can do to suppress 

   The FX built class files are "target=1.9". This is required by javac when we 
are building modules. If you have an existing netbeans project, you may need to edit it 
to update the value. This also means that any application like an IDE that parses class 
files may have a problem with the newer version.

  Module test classes are now split apart. Before we had the "shim" classes and 
the unit test classes all in one hierarchy. This does not work so well with the modular 
build, and so the shim classes have been separated into a new hierarchy.

   unit tests in modules/javafx.base/src/test/...
   shims in modules/javafx.base/src/shims/java/

For unit tests, we rebuild the modules that needs shims again, but this time 
add in the shim sources. The resulting module is then passed into the unit test 
run using -patch-module.

  In the past we often used jfxrt.jar via a bootclasspath. One side effect of this was 
"all permissions" for the FX classes, which matched how the bundled FX classes 
are treated in the JDK. This does not work with JDK9 and -patch-module.

If you run into security issues with a test application, then you will need to 
use a java.security.manager, and a policy file that starts with the one we 
generate during the test task of our build: rt/build/test.java.policy (again, 
one that contains absolute paths). It is reasonably easy to add to an ant file 
an action that will start with this file, and add in any test application 
specific additions, and the resulting file can then be used for the application 

  There are early access editions of IDEs. Let us know if you find ways to get 
these to work :-)
    Netbeans: http://wiki.netbeans.org/JDK9Support 
    Intellij: https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/EAP

David Hill<david.h...@oracle.com>
Java Embedded Development

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the 
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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