The changes for the new mesa-driver are in a branch ( and we don't
distribute binaries from the Gluon download yet, as the new driver is still
I am told, though, that it will soon become the default driver, and then
those changes are needed and we will update the binary SDK on

Meanwhile, if you want to test, there is a build of the JavaFX SDK for
armv6hf that works with X11 and OpenGL here:
You can get a very simple JavaFX app here:

When the tar.bz2 is unpacked in /opt, you can run the sample app as follows:

java -Djava.ext.dirs=/opt/armv6hf-sdk/rt/lib/ext/
-Dmonocle.platform.traceConfig=true -Djavafx.verbose=true
-Dx11.geometry=400x200 -Dx11.input=true -jar HelloPi.jar

Make sure the java.ext.dirs points to the directory where you unpacked the
JavaFX SDK/rt/lib/ext .

One final thing, I removed the /opt/vc dir on my Pi, as somehow the
eglGetDisplay was still retrieved from a lib in /opt/vc instead of the mesa

- Johan

On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 5:38 AM Scott Palmer <> wrote:

> Hi Johan,
> Excellent! Do you have a build or instructions somewhere?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> On Feb 10, 2017, at 4:03 AM, Johan Vos <> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I actually have this working, leveraging the new mesa driver for the Pi.
> It is using monocle and ES2 and it integrates very well with the X11
> system on the Raspberry Pi.
> - Johan
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 8:19 PM Scott Palmer <> wrote:
> Just wondering if there are some options for building OpenJFX for
> embedded ARM such that it behaves like it does on x86 Linux with X11.
> I mean with actual decorated windows instead of just  lumping
> everything onto the frame buffer or a single window.
> Is this currently possible?
> Scott

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