
Please join me in my efforts improving either Java2D or JavaFX
(performance, quality, better 3D support in JFX) by contributing to the
Marlin project or sponsoring me working for the java community (OpenJDK &

Here are important clarifications, that represents my point of view (see
conclusion of my slides):

- I was overbusy with Marlin & MarlinFX projects in the last 3 years: It
consumed a lot of my spare time.
I succeeded with JEP265, maybe the only FOSS & independent contribution in
Java 9, in integrating these renderers into OpenJDK & OpenJFX.
I consider my JavaOne talk as an achievement and I will not spend much time
on these lovely projects, only on small changes or bug fixes (see github
issue boards).
Maybe someone else could implement more important enhancements... as a new
project leader that I can sponsor and help.
Please join OpenJDK or OpenJFX projects too in order to provide your own
improvements. I do not want to be a community leader or waste my time on
long discussion threads: I prefer coding concrete changes provided freely
to the community, free & alone in the dark.

- I am absolutely a performance engineer, so please report any performance
issue in bugs.openjdk.java.net and I may have a look.

Better performance means higher power efficiency that represents large
gains in the global power consumption for any data center. At the earth
scale, this is my contribution to reduce our human footprint and hopefully
lower the impact of the climate change.

Finally Adopt any FOSS project you like and contribute: code, or any bug
reports, documentation, tests, benchmarks ... if you have time.
You can also give money to any contributor you appreciate or enjoy benefits
of his work (sponsoring).

Thanks again to all my sponsors that made my JavaOne talk happen.

PS: As mentioned, I have not enough free time to implement new JavaFX
features, only fix some perf bugs if I can.
Please do it yourself or try improving any great JavaFX libs...

Goodbye & Good luck,
Laurent Bourges

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