Hi Ankit,

If you read my response to your first email, I thought I was clear that we don't count test bugs the same as product fixes, but neither are they worth 0. Meaning that a few test fixes can certainly count towards "making up the difference" as I said.

As for your two other points:

I'm still sure that cosmic changes in Editor file should be awarded as 0.5 instead of 1.
Saying a patch consist of coding, testing and etc, is just play of words.
All those activities are part of code changes and every body does that, nothing special about it.
I don't see them as separate activities.

I understand what you are saying here, and there is no objective criteria by which a patch is considered significant...it will always be a judgment call. The reason I pointed out analysis and testing is to distinguish it, for example, from a hypothetical patch to add a null check to avoid an NPE, but without any analysis or testing to make sure that it isn't just masking a symptom.

I think that all 7 of the ones I listed can be considered significant (even though a couple might be on the bubble). Still, to satisfy your point, I will wait for one more product fix before putting forth Rajath's nomination again.

For patch http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt/rev/dc2963c3f7d1 <http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt/rev/dc2963c3f7d1> , I can see 5 contributors. I don't know the exact contribution from Rajath, it could be as small as a comment change or could be the whole patch itself [ In that case why do we have 4 other contributors ]. Considering equal efforts by all contributors [ taking the best case ], Individual contribution = [1/5] --> 0.2. For Committer status round off --> 0.
So that patch is 0 for me, unless actual code changes can be shown.

I'm sorry, but saying that this changeset doesn't count (for anyone according to your math) is quite simply a fallacious argument that isn't backed up by any precedent in the OpenJDK community.

-- Kevin

ankit srivastav wrote:

I have no idea when/why test bugs started to get counted for committer status. The last time I checked, number of lines of patch matters the most irrespective of the significance of the patch [ that was a very strange and funny way of judging a patch, must be an idea from a non technical person].

If that would be the it;s way too easy to become committer in Javafx community. Looks like Javafx community does't have any proper way to judge patch significance or the rules can be tailored as per the circumstances.

1) Two of my DRT Media patches were counted as 0.5 and those were not cosmic changes.[ May be now you give me a reason for that ? I also did coding, testing and etc for those patches]

I'm still sure that cosmic changes in Editor file should be awarded as 0.5 instead of 1.
Saying a patch consist of coding, testing and etc, is just play of words.
All those activities are part of code changes and every body does that, nothing special about it.
I don't see them as separate activities.

For patch http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt/rev/dc2963c3f7d1 <http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt/rev/dc2963c3f7d1> , I can see 5 contributors. I don't know the exact contribution from Rajath, it could be as small as a comment change or could be the whole patch itself [ In that case why do we have 4 other contributors ]. Considering equal efforts by all contributors [ taking the best case ], Individual contribution = [1/5] --> 0.2. For Committer status round off --> 0.
So that patch is 0 for me, unless actual code changes can be shown.

Rest of the things look fine to me.


On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 10:34 AM, ankit srivastav <ank....@gmail.com <mailto:ank....@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Dear Kevin,

    I will get back to you on this shortly with substantial claims.


    On 28 Feb 2018 2:23 a.m., "Kevin Rushforth"
    <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com <mailto:kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com>>

        Hi Ankit,

        In response to your veto, I took the opportunity to look at
        the the list of changes, and believe that my earlier
        nomination of Rajath to OpenJFX Project Committer was
        justified, if perhaps barely so.

        While there is no objective criteria by which one can say a
        particular changeset is worth 0.5 of a fix, we do often look
        at 2 to 4 trivial fixes or test-only fixes to "make up the
        difference" in case only 6 or 7 are deemed "significant". This
        is why we usually want 10 or 12 fixes before we nominate
        someone for Committer -- to avoid quibbling over whether one
        or two are worthy of being counted.

        Rather than respond to each of your comments individually
        (although I do have one point below), I will instead list the
        fixes I consider significant.

        In looking at the list of fixes again, I would consider the
        following 7 non-test fixes to be significant, even though
        several of them were only a few lines of product code changed:

        (see comment below)

        In all cases there needed to be an analysis, a fix, and
        testing to ensure that the bug was fixed without introducing a
        regression. As for your assertion about his part of the
        collaborative fix to upgrade WebKit to v605.1, JDK-8187483
        (changeset dc2963c3f7d1), you make an unsubstantiated claim
        regarding his contribution. As he did contribute to that fix,
        I don't see any reason to question how significant it was.

        In addition to the above 7, and excluding JDK-8185314 (the
        removal of unused files, which I would agree does not count at
        all), the other three test fixes are in my opinion enough
        justify the nomination.

        I would finally point out that Rajath contributed three
        additional test fixes during the two week voting period, for a
        new total of 14 changesets (13 excluding the unused file removal).

        Please respond to the list as to whether you feel the
        additional three test fixes, along with my additional
        explanation, is enough to satisfy your concerns over this
        nomination, and if not, why not. I would like to put the
        nomination forward again for a vote once the objections are

        Thank you.

        -- Kevin

        ankit srivastav wrote:

        Please go through the table, all the points accumulated are
        not even more then 7.
        I have given reasons for my points.










        8 days ago




        8196802: 3D unit tests listed as pass  although they are
        actually skipped




Test file, not a direct impact-able code change in product.
        10 days ago




        8089454: [HTMLEditor] selection removes CENTER alignment




        A very small change, why I’m saying so, as the file modified
        gets called directly from the APP written. No debugging/a
        little is required to make the change, which actually defies
        the purpose of getting knowledge of the product.

        13 days ago




        8196615: Skip 3D unit tests on system without 3D capability




        Changes in Test file, not a direct impact-able code change in
        4 weeks ago




        8165459: HTMLEditor: clipboard toolbar buttons are disabled




        A very small change, why I’m saying so, as the file modified
        gets called directly from the APP written. No debugging/a
        little is required to make the change, which actually defies
        the purpose of getting knowledge of the product.

        7 weeks ago




        8088925: Non opaque background cause NumberFormatException




        A very small change, why I’m saying so, as the file modified
        gets called directly from the APP written. No debugging/a
        little is required to make the change, which actually defies
        the purpose of getting knowledge of the product.

        2 months ago




        8090011: 'tab' key makes control loose focus




        A very small change, why I’m saying so, as the file modified
        gets called directly from the APP written. No debugging/a
        little is required to make the change, which actually defies
        the purpose of getting knowledge of the product.










        2 months ago




        8187483: Update to 605.1 version of WebKit




        Unless you directly point what changes you have made in the
        patch I will count it has 0. Most probably you have made
        changes for DRT, which even a tester can do. Moving DRT is a
        non technical task, requires no technical skills.

        3 months ago




        8187928: [WebView] Images copied from clipboard not written
        in source file format




        4 months ago




        8178290: Intermittent test failure in




        Changes in Test file, not a direct impact-able code change in
        4 months ago




        8187726: [WebView] Copy and Paste of Image not resulting in
        expected behavior




        4 months ago




        8187671: [WebView] Drag and Drop of text or html results in
        an image




        5 months ago




        8089124: HTML5: Number input allows non-numeric input




        Only setting value changes. For me this kind of change was
        not even get considered for Author status.

        5 months ago




        8185314: Remove unused third-party python scripts from WebKit




        No actual code change, you have only removed it.It seems it
        was not even getting called otherwise you must have change
        some other files which calls function from these files.

        Adding all the points, total sum = 7.
        So it's a NO for me.
        I think you have to solve at least 3 more issues to get to
        the committer status.
        *The whole idea behind becoming a committer is to get good
        solid product knowledge not the issue count.*
        *Quality matters over quantity.*

        Which one can only get after solving variety of issues with
        various  level of difficulty level.

        Here I can see you have 3 checkins for  file HTMLEditorSkin.java.
        This file basically  gets I/P from APP written.
        No/little debugging skill is require to solve the issue in
        this file.

        For all the test changes I have awarded 0.5 as no direct
        impact on product.
        For DRT, moving DRT from one revision to another is just a
        side job. Anybody can do that.
        If I tell a 12th grader then even he can also do that.
        Also I'm not sure what's the actual contribution so awarded as 0.

        Removing a file, that's too unused, no code change so 0.

        *I have awarded proper points to proper code changes.*

        I know you must be under pressure (No idea from whom) to
        become committer, but I can see lots of potential in you.
        You should not not succumb to such pressure.
        Whole idea [as I have stated above ] to become committer is
        get sound product understanding, don't stop yourself to get that.
        *Solve issue to get knowledge not just to show counts to
        other people.*

        I can one more checkin from you, but that's too I guess in
        Test file i.e. 0.5
        So It seems, you are very close to your destination.

        Let me now if anyone in the community has any objection.


        On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 3:32 AM, Kevin Rushforth
        <mailto:kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com>> wrote:

            I hereby nominate Rajath Kamath [1] to OpenJFX Committer.

            Rajath is a member of JavaFX team at Oracle, who has
            contributed 11 changesets [2][3] to OpenJFX.

            Votes are due by February 26, 2018.

            Only current OpenJFX Committers [4] are eligible to vote
            on this nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by
            replying to this mailing list.

            For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [5].
            Nomination to a project Committer is described in [6].


            -- Kevin

            [1] http://openjdk.java.net/census#rkamath


            [4] http://openjdk.java.net/census#openjfx

            [5] http://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#lazy-consensus

            [6] http://openjdk.java.net/projects#project-committer

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