Hi All.

patch: https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/pull/126

This is separated from
and modified to simple patch for Win(VISTA or later) and MacOS(10.6 or later).

I checked on Windows7 and Windows10.
But I could not check on VISTA and MacOSX because of no having these OS.

Especially, I take care about MacOS code version.
I have no idea that following code is correct or not.
MAC_10_6_OR_LATER = MAC && versionNumberGreaterThanOrEqualTo(10.6f);

Akira Nakajima

Company: NTT Comware Corporation
Name: Akira Nakajima
E-Mail: nakajima.ak...@nttcom.co.jp
OLA : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/community/oca-486395.html#n

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