Someone reported a similar issue with a differrent Linux distro (Manjaro 17.1.12) also related to GTK 3:

I'll file a JBS bug for this. In the mean time, you can add a comment to the above GitHub issue if you like.

-- Kevin

On 10/11/2018 10:03 AM, Thiago Milczarek Sayão wrote:
I have migrated our development environment from java-10 javafx to
java-11 and openjfx-11.

One thing I have noticed is that windows opens on the top left corner
of the screen and than moves to a center location. The weird thing is
that we can see the window moving. It appears to be a glitch.

This also happened on java-10 with the bundled javafx when setting it
to use gtk-3 instead of gtk-2.

So it appears to be a gtk-3 bug/glitch.

We use (not wayland).

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