Looks good to me.


-- Kevin

On 12/18/2018 10:16 AM, Arunprasad Rajkumar wrote:
Hi Kevin, Murali, Johan, Joeri,

Please review the following patch which merges GTK WebKit 2.22(607.1) into 


Above link has a webrev and a changeset file,

1. rt-non-native-webkit — Contains changes other than 
"modules/javafx.web/src/main/native", it will be useful _only_ for review, 
don’t apply the patch from it.

2. rt.changeset.gz — Actual changeset file in compressed format which contains 
all the changes from “rt” directory(including WebKit native changes), 
uncompress before using it(gunzip rt.changeset.gz) and do the following steps.,

$ hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt
$ cd rt
$ hg import --no-commit rt.changeset #(from rt.changset.gz)

This changeset requires the following versions of toolchains to build properly,

* MSVC- 2017-15.5.5 or higher on Windows
* GCC 7.3.0 or higher on Linux
* Xcode 9.4 or higher on MacOS


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