On 12/27/19 4:19 AM, Johan Vos wrote:
Hi David,

What tutorial are you talking about? If you refer to https://openjfx.io,
that is a community-initiative, developed at
https://github.com/openjfx/openjfx-docs .
So if you have issues and PR's, that is the place to submit and discuss
with the other contributors to that site.

Only the Netbeans section has a warning telling you to delete src.zip. Neither Intellij nor Eclipse do.

A user shouldn't have to do that anyway though! This could be easily fixed. Literally all you need to do is in this section:

// Zip module sources for standalone SDK
    // NOTE: the input is taken from the modular-sdk/modules_src dir
    // so that we don't have to duplicate the logic and create another
    // temporary directory. This is somewhat inelegant, since the bundled sdk     // and the standalone sdk should be independent of one another, but seems
    // better than the alternatives.
    def zipSourceFilesTask = project.task("zipSourceFilesStandalone$t.capital", type: Zip, dependsOn: buildModulesTask) {
        destinationDir = file("${standaloneLibDir}")
        archiveName = standaloneSrcZipName
        includeEmptyDirs = false
        from modulesSrcDir
        include "**/*.java"


destinationDir = file("${standaloneLibDir}")


destinationDir = file("${standaloneSdkDir}")

That's it. Literally less than a minute, like I said. You can put zip files in zip files, it doesn't matter. This is a really stupid thing to be stubborn about.


- Johan

On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 9:26 PM David Green <david_gr...@use.startmail.com>

This step fails:

3\. Create a library

Go to File -&gt; Project Structure -&gt; Libraries and add the JavaFX 13
as a library to the project. Point to the lib folder of the JavaFX SDK.

The src.zip located in this package lib will cause the build in IJ to
fail. I
don't know why, since it is source, albeit zipped.

To get the project to build, I had to remove it. I placed it in a new src
folder I created at the same level as lib in the sdk.

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