On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 16:00:35 GMT, Frederic Thevenet 
<github.com+7450507+ftheve...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I have tested using a recipient WritableImage with an IntARGB pixel format 
>> (so that is aligned with that of the tile), that I construct by supplying a 
>> PixelBuffer, and as expected that performance of the tiled code is much more 
>> in line with that of the non-tiled version. One overhead left is the 
>> allocation of the extra buffer, but it is far less significant.
>> The problem with this approach is that the "best" pixel format (as in 
>> similar to that of RRT) isn't the same depending on the rendering pipeline 
>> (e.g. d3d is intARGB while es2 is byteBGRA) so that would require adding a 
>> fair amount of code to determine the best possible scenario depending on all 
>> the constraints (keeping in mind the caller can also provide its own 
>> WritableImage...) that in turn would need thorough testing. 
>> All in all, I agree the risk of regression is probably too great for this to 
>> make it into openjfx14 with so little time left.
>> Instead, I will prototype Kevin's proposal to only use tiling when it would 
>> fail with the current code and use  what I've learned here to propose a more 
>> robust fix targeted at openjfx15
> I've made the change suggested by Kevin, and it works as expected. 
> It is not very elegant but it does provide relief with regard to the core 
> issue while avoiding risks of performance regressions.
> Now with regard to a follow-up PR targeted at the next release, I assume a 
> new issue needs first be filed into the JBS first; should I just file a new 
> bug via https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport (I don't have access to 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net)?

The change looks like what I would expect, so I'll finish my review in the next 
day or so. @arapte will need to re-review it as well.

Yes, we will need a new JBS bug ID for the follow-on.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/68

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