I found that there were some bugs in the JDK code that FX calls
that need to be fixed first. I started on those but it was reasonably
complex to test and so that is still WIP and then the FX part should
be possible.


On 2/4/20, 2:52 AM, Neacsu Cristian wrote:

Any updates regarding this matter? :-s

Thank you in advance,

On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 2:36 AM Neacsu Cristian <neacsu.cristianste...@gmail.com <mailto:neacsu.cristianste...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Damn ... Thank you for your reply and for the ticket submitted.
    I created an invoice application for my own company, and imagine
    that java 9+ would kill me :) All the invoices are generated
    automatically through pdf printer (I tried few free pdf libraries
    as an alternative, but for what I need they have poor results).

    I actually posted my ugly solution as well here some time ago:

    I know it is not much, but 89 hits might mean something. People
    might fight with it later, when they are going to migrate for new
    java versions.

    Thank you so much, and looking forward if you guys have time to
    take care of it.


    On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 8:15 PM Philip Race
    <philip.r...@oracle.com <mailto:philip.r...@oracle.com>> wrote:

        Everything you are touching there pre-supposes knowledge
        of today's implementation of the JavaFX printing API, so
        I don't think we can endorse that.
        The right thing to do (maybe years ago!) is to file
        an RFE to request that something like the Destination attribute
        be supported in the FX printing API. I've reviewed the open
        bug list and I don't see that anyone else has asked for this.

        I just submitted :

        JFYI, I reviewed some old notes and it was originally planned
        to be
        supported in the API but during design discussion it was removed
        as a result of a combination of getting it right, not being
        sure how
        many people would need it (you may be the first) and some perhaps
        over-stated concerns about security.


        On 5/10/19, 1:39 AM, Neacsu Cristian wrote:
        > For windows print through "Microsoft Print to PDF", there is
        no way right
        > now to pre-define a path programmatically. There is no way
        to set inside
        > the printReqAttrSet (J2DPrinterJob), an attribute of type
        Destination, to
        > solve this issue.
        > Before jdk 9, I was bypassing it through reflection like this:
        > java.lang.reflect.Field field =
        > field.setAccessible(true);
        > PrinterJobImpl jobImpl = (PrinterJobImpl) field.get(job);
        > field.setAccessible(false);
        > field = jobImpl.getClass().getDeclaredField("printReqAttrSet");
        > field.setAccessible(true);
        > PrintRequestAttributeSet printReqAttrSet =
        > field.get(jobImpl);
        > field.setAccessible(false);
        > printReqAttrSet.add(new Destination(new
        > Now, the module is closed, so I cannot access it through
        reflection. Is
        > there a way to obtain this behavior again?

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