On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 08:46:26 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> If it is of any help, I have attached a VisualVM snapshot (v1.4.4) where the 
>> ExpressionHelper.removeListener is using
>> 61% of the JavaFX thread whilst running our application.
>> [snapshot-1587024308245.nps.zip](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/files/4485728/snapshot-1587024308245.nps.zip)
>> If you show only the JavaFX Application thread, press the "HotSpot" and 
>> "Reverse Calls" button you can take a look to
>> see which classes are calling the removeListener function.
>> ![Screenshot 2020-04-16 at 09 16
>> 11](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6702882/79432046-2f788800-7fc3-11ea-930a-98fed0190628.png)
> @dannygonzalez  Could you perhaps debug your application and take a look at 
> how large the following array is: a random
> node -> `scene` -> `value` -> `window` -> `readOnlyProperty` -> `helper` -> 
> `changeListeners`.  I just tested this with
> a custom control displaying 200 cells on screen at once (each cell consisting 
> of about 30 nodes itself), and I saw
> about 20000 change listeners registered on this single Scene Window property. 
>  However, this custom control is not
> creating/destroying cells beyond the initial allocation, so there wouldn't be 
> any registering and unregistering going
> on, scrolling was still smooth >30 fps.

@hjohn I have 12136 change listeners when debugging our application as you 

Please note that I see the issue when the TableView is having items added to 
it. If you just have a static TableView I
do not see the issue.

It is only when you add items to the TableView which causes a myriad of 
listeners to be deregistered and registered.
The Visual VM snapshot I attached above was taken as our application was adding 
items to the TableView.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/108

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