On Wed, 3 Jun 2020 13:45:12 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> The algorithm looks correct to me for sorting. How much regression testing 
>>> have you done for cases where rows or
>>> columns are inserted?
>> I have tested with a small TreeTableView of 15 rows of 3 levels and 3 
>> columns.
>> Would it be enough to test with TreeTableView of ~500 rows of 5 levels, 10 
>> columns ?
>> Update:  I am testing with 7 level of nested rows, with 10, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 
>> number of children in each level
>> respectively. The fix works fine till level 3. But can observe issue with 
>> level 4 and further. Shall debug this more
>> and update.
>> I have tested with a small TreeTableView of 15 rows of 3 levels and 3 
>> columns.
>> Would it be enough to test with TreeTableView of ~500 rows of 5 levels, 10 
>> columns ?
>> Update: I am testing with 7 level of nested rows, with 10, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 
>> number of children in each level
>> respectively. The fix works fine till level 3. But can observe issue with 
>> level 4 and further. Shall debug this more
>> and update.
> OK, thanks. In addition to making sure that insertion, deletion, and sorting 
> work, are you also checking that the
> events being sent are as expected?

Unrelated to this fix I see two pain points (which were not introduced here :)

#### A. replaced vs. permutated

These are types of change as decided by the list (aka: model) - 
treeModificationEvent (aka: view) must follow the lead
(vs. spreading its own interpretation). Doing so is a bug, IMO.

#### B. treeTableView.sort changing internals of the selectionModel

that's a no-no-no-go, always. Instead let the selectionModel handle the 
permutated state correctly (didn't dig why it
was deemed necessary to do so in sort - though it has the side-effect of 
leaving out selectionModels that are not of
the expected type)


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/244

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