On Tue, 30 Jun 2020 06:05:08 GMT, John Neffenger 
<github.com+1413266+jgn...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> At first glance the fix looks fine (aside from the `assert` statements that 
>> need to be removed). It will also need to
>> be tested using the SW pipeline on all platforms.
>> It will also need to be tested using the SW pipeline on all platforms.
> Thanks for the reminder. I managed to build JavaFX on Windows and macOS 
> today, so I'll test this pull request on those
> platforms in addition to Linux desktop and embedded.

I tested this pull request on all of the following platforms:

* JavaFX desktop platforms (*amd64* architecture)
    * Windows SDK on Windows 10 Pro Version 2004
    * Mac OS X SDK on macOS 10.15.5 (Catalina)
    * Linux SDK on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (Xenial Xerus)

* JavaFX embedded platforms (*armhf* architecture)
    * armv6hf SDK (Monocle EPD) on Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
    * armv6hf SDK (Monocle VNC) on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

This is a tricky timing problem on most platforms, so I used rather intrusive 
techniques to catch the error and verify
it was fixed. The bug is easily visible only on the Monocle VNC platform.

### Desktop

I tested the desktop platforms as follows:

1. I added `assert` statements and calls to `Thread.sleep` as shown by [this
commit](https://github.com/jgneff/javafx-graphics/commit/ffc639e4) to catch the 
error. It looks like a lot of changes,
but they simply call `sleep` to change the timing of the threads so that the 
JavaFX Application Thread is unable to
keep up with the QuantumRenderer. The `assert` statements catch the error when 
the rendering thread starts looking for
an unused buffer.

    All platforms printed many `InvalidMarkException` errors as the buffer 
position was modified while in use on the JavaFX
    application thread. The Linux and Windows platforms printed, "Exception in 
thread 'JavaFX Application Thread'
    java.nio.InvalidMarkException," while the macOS platform printed, 
"Exception in thread 'AppKit Thread'

2. I applied the fix to call `getBuffer` instead of `getPixels` in 

3. After the fix, no errors were detected by the assertions on any of the 

### Embedded

I tested the embedded platforms as follows:

1. I added only `assert` statements to the `HeadlessScreen` and `EPDScreen` 
classes, as shown below. Both platforms
printed many `InvalidMarkException` errors as the buffer position was modified 
while in use on the JavaFX application

2. I applied the fix to call `getBuffer` instead of `getPixels` in 

3. After the fix, no errors were detected by the assertions on either platform.

#### `HeadlessScreen` and `EPDScreen`

     public synchronized void uploadPixels(Buffer b, int x, int y,
            int width, int height, float alpha) {
+        assert b.mark() == b;
         pixels.composePixels(b, x, y, width, height, alpha);
+        assert b.reset() == b;

For the Monocle VNC platform, you can also simply connect and watch the bug 
corrupt the frames sent to the VNC client,
as shown in my prior comment on this pull request.

### Other results

I found some unexpected results, listed below.

* JavaFX on Linux does not limit its frame rate to 60 Hz when using the 
hardware pipeline, reaching over 350 frames per

* JavaFX on macOS ignores the system property `-Djavafx.animation.pulse=8` and 
runs at 60 Hz, even though it prints the
  message "Setting PULSE_DURATION to 8 hz."

* JavaFX on macOS prints the error shown below when `Platform.exit` is called 
to end the application. The error also
  occurs on JavaFX 14.0.1 and 15-ea+6. The error does not occur when the window 
is closed manually using the mouse.

Java has been detached already, but someone is still trying to use it at
-[GlassViewDelegate dealloc]:
0   libglass.dylib   0x000000010eb6c05d -[GlassViewDelegate dealloc] + 221
1   libglass.dylib   0x000000010eb71af6 -[GlassView3D dealloc] + 246
2   libobjc.A.dylib  0x00007fff66937054 
_ZN19AutoreleasePoolPage12releaseUntilEPP11objc_object + 134
3   libobjc.A.dylib  0x00007fff6691bdba objc_autoreleasePoolPop + 175
4   CoreFoundation   0x00007fff2dad23c5 
5   CoreFoundation   0x00007fff2dad22f7 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 457
6   CoreFoundation   0x00007fff2dad1895 __CFRunLoopRun + 874
7   CoreFoundation   0x00007fff2dad0ece CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 462
8   libjli.dylib     0x000000010be945c1 CreateExecutionEnvironment + 399
9   libjli.dylib     0x000000010be90752 JLI_Launch + 1354
10  java             0x000000010be83ca1 main + 375
11  libdyld.dylib    0x00007fff67acdcc9 start + 1
12  ???              0x000000000000000b 0x0 + 11

### Test scripts

Below are the scripts I used to run the tests. The scripts include the system 
property `-Djavafx.animation.pulse=8`,
but I removed it when trying to recreate the bug with the added `assert` and 
`sleep` statements.

#### Linux

# Linux desktop
$HOME/opt/jdk-14.0.1/bin/java -ea --show-version \
    --module-path=$HOME/lib/javafx-sdk-dev/lib \
    --add-modules=javafx.graphics \
    -Dprism.order=sw -Djavafx.animation.pulse=8 \
    -jar dist/epd-javafx.jar \
    --width=800 --height=600 --pattern=3 --loops=0

#### macOS

# macOS desktop
$HOME/opt/jdk-14.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -ea --show-version \
    --module-path=$HOME/lib/javafx-sdk-dev/lib \
    --add-modules=javafx.graphics \
    -Dprism.order=sw -Djavafx.animation.pulse=8 \
    -jar dist/epd-javafx.jar \
    --width=800 --height=600 --pattern=3 --loops=0

#### Windows

# Windows desktop under Cygwin
$HOME/opt/jdk-14.0.1/bin/java -ea --show-version \
    --module-path=$(cygpath -m $HOME/lib/javafx-sdk-dev/lib) \
    --add-modules=javafx.graphics \
    -Dprism.order=sw -Djavafx.animation.pulse=8 \
    -jar dist/epd-javafx.jar \
    --width=800 --height=600 --pattern=3 --loops=0

REM Windows desktop under Command Prompt
C:\cygwin64\home\john\opt\jdk-14.0.1\bin\java -ea --show-version^
 -Dprism.order=sw -Djavafx.animation.pulse=8^
 -jar dist\epd-javafx.jar^
 --width=800 --height=600 --pattern=3 --loops=0

#### Monocle EPD

Run with `sudo`.

# Monocle EPD platform on Linux armhf
$HOME/opt/jdk-14.0.1+7/bin/java -ea --show-version \
    --module-path=$HOME/lib/armv6hf-sdk/lib \
    --add-modules=javafx.graphics \
    -Dglass.platform=Monocle -Dmonocle.platform=EPD -Dprism.order=sw \
    -Dmonocle.input.18/0/0/0.maxX=800 -Dmonocle.input.18/0/0/0.maxY=600 \
    -Dmonocle.epd.waveformMode=4 -jar dist/epd-javafx.jar \
    --width=800 --height=600 --pattern=3 --loops=0

#### Monocle VNC

# Monocle VNC platform on Linux armhf
/usr/lib/jvm/java-14-openjdk-armhf/bin/java -ea --show-version \
    --module-path=$HOME/lib/armv6hf-sdk/lib \
    --add-modules=javafx.graphics \
    -Dprism.order=sw -Djavafx.animation.pulse=8 \
    -Dglass.platform=Monocle -Dmonocle.platform=VNC \
    -jar dist/epd-javafx.jar \
    --width=1024 --height=600 --pattern=3 --loops=0


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/255

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