On Sat, 25 Jul 2020 17:16:25 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Fixes https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8246343 and some additional 
> fixes in the vicinity.

Just a couple quick comments for now. I'll review it next week.

 line 723:

> 722: <span class="code">ObservableList</span>, <span 
> class="code">ObservableMap</span> or <span
> class="code">ObservableSet</span> 723:  uses a special <span 
> class="code">onChange</span> attribute that points to a
> handler method with a <span class="code">ListChangeListner</span>, <span 
> class="code">MapChangeListener</span> or <span
> class="code">SetChangeListener</span> parameter, respectively. 724: </p>

ListChangeListner --> ListChangeListener

modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/java/javafx/scene/layout/VBox.java line 234:

> 233:     /**
> 234:      * Creates an {@code VBox} layout with {@code spacing = 0}.
> 235:      * @param children the initial set of children for this pane

As long as you are fixing this: _an_ VBox --> _a_ VBox


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/274

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