It's now in the JDK project in JBS:

I was able to reproduce it with the test program you sent.

-- Kevin

On 8/22/2020 12:28 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Actually, someone already did file a bug report a couple days ago (I see it in our internal incident tracker). Once it is transferred to the JDK project, I'll add the standalone test program from this email thread to the bug report, which should help in narrowing it down.


-- Kevin

On 8/22/2020 11:40 AM, Michael Paus wrote:
this is not a bug reporting list. Please file your bug report here instead.
Best regards

Am 22.08.20 um 19:57 schrieb Thangalin:
Ahoy list,

Running OpenJDK 14.0.1 on Windows 7, adding a SwingNode to a SplitPane
causes the contents of the SwingNode to appear blurry. There's a full
write-up with screen-shots at:

Here's an SSCCE that demonstrates the problem:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.embed.swing.SwingNode;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.SplitPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

import static javafx.application.Platform.runLater;
import static javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater;

public class FlyingSourceTest extends Application {
   public static void main( String[] args ) {
     Application.launch( args );

   public void start( Stage stage ) {
     invokeLater( () -> {
       stage.setTitle( "SSCCE" );

       final var size = 120f;
       final var font = new javafx.scene.text.Font( "Arial", size );
       final var bgStyle = "-fx-background-color: white";

       // FX label, StackPane
       final var fxLabelTop = new javafx.scene.text.Text( "FX/FX" );
       fxLabelTop.setFont( font );
       final var fxStackPaneTop = new StackPane( fxLabelTop );

       // FX label, StackPane
       final var fxLabelSplit = new javafx.scene.text.Text( "FX LABEL" );
       fxLabelSplit.setFont( font );
       final var fxLabelPane = new StackPane();
       fxLabelPane.getChildren().addAll( fxLabelSplit );
       fxLabelPane.setStyle( bgStyle );

       // Swing label, StackPane
       final var swingLabel = new JLabel( "SW LABEL" );
       swingLabel.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
       swingLabel.setOpaque( true );
       swingLabel.setFont( swingLabel.getFont().deriveFont( Font.PLAIN, size ) );
       final var swingLabelNode = new SwingNode();
       swingLabelNode.setContent( swingLabel );
       final var swingLabelPane = new StackPane( swingLabelNode );
       swingLabelPane.setStyle( bgStyle );

       final var fxSplitPane = new SplitPane(
           fxLabelPane, swingLabelPane );
       fxSplitPane.setPrefSize( 1280, 300 );

       final var root = new VBox();
       root.getChildren().addAll( fxStackPaneTop, fxSplitPane );
       root.setStyle( bgStyle );

       runLater( () -> {
         final var scene = new Scene( root );
         stage.setScene( scene );;
       } );
     } );

Closely compare the "L" from "SW LABEL" to the "L" from "FX LABEL".
You'll see that the "SW LABEL" ell has what looks like stronger
antialiasing applied.

Changing the Graphics2D rendering hints on the JLabel has no effect.
Changing the JLabel's AffineTransform to shift by 0.5px worsens the
blurriness. Moving the SwingNode out of the SplitPane renders crisply,
as expected. The font colours and background do not affect the
outcome, but are there to make consistent output, which makes
comparing easier.

This problem affects neither X11 (Linux) nor OSX, only Windows.

Been trying to fix this for several days without success.

Any ideas why embedding a SwingNode within a SplitPane causes a blurry
effect? And how can the problem be resolved?

Thank you!

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