On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 08:07:52 GMT, yosbits 
<github.com+7517141+yos...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> The error occurs as specified in getSelectedItems().

no, both spec and implementation (at least as far as its relation to this 
issue) is correct.

> It seems to be correct to write the following
> `listView.getItems().removeAll(new HashSet<>(selectedItems)) `
> (or ArrayList)

asking client code to adopt to changes in the framework is not an option

> It could be interpreted that the intention was to mitigate the side effects 
> associated with the getSelectedItems()
> specification.

no side-effects, nothing mitigated, : it's a deliberate, full-fledged support 
of source lists that change on removing
items from the target  list

> The use of BitSet should be avoided when the list is large, as it is not a 
> sparse implementation and therefore wastes a
> lot of memory. For example, when removing the last item in the list.
> `BitSet bs = new BitSet(c.size()); `
> The previous change was an incorrect initialization size for BitSet.

feel free to suggest another (working without requiring changes to client code) 
two-pass approach in remove/retainAll.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/305

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