On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 00:43:34 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Sorry for the interruption, send a PR that corrects the same problem.
> I haven't done a detailed review yet, but I worry about the memory 
> consumption and performance of using a Map for the simple cases where there 
> is only a single (or very small number) of listeners. These methods are used 
> in many more places than just the TableView / TreeTableView implementation.

Replying to @nlisker and @kevinrushforth general comments about the memory 
consumption of using a LinkedHashMap:

I agree that at the very least these should be lazy initialised when they are 
needed and that we should initially allocate a small capacity and load factor.

We could also have some sort of strategy where we could use arrays or lists if 
the number of listeners are less than some threshold (i.e. keeping the 
implementation with a similar overhead to the original) and then switch to the 
HashMap when it exceeds this threshold. This would make the code more 
complicated and I wonder if this is the worth the extra complexity.
I know that in our application, the thousands of listeners unregistering when 
using a TableView was stalling the JavaFX thread. 

I am happy to submit code that lazy initialises and minimises initial capacity 
and load factor as suggested or happy to take direction and suggestions from 
anyone with a deeper understanding of the code than myself.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/108

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