The email address used by the Skara tooling for all git commits, for the Committer and for the Author if the Author has an associated OpenJDK ID, is: ``

-- Kevin

On 3/25/2021 7:03 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
What are these email addresses?

On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 1:12 PM Kevin Rushforth < <>> wrote:

    Eventually the <> addresses will be
    live. I haven't heard a
    recent update on the timing for this. Until then, adding the email
    address as an unverified additional email address in your GitHub
    is the way to go.

    -- Kevin

    On 3/24/2021 9:37 PM, John Neffenger wrote:
    > I noticed that my last commit used the address <>
    > instead of the address I normally use to create and sign commits.
    > GitHub didn't recognize the commit as mine until I added the
    > to my account.
    > Do the <> addresses receive
    e-mail? If not, do we just leave
    > the address unverified in our GitHub accounts?
    > Thanks,
    > John

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