On Fri, 9 Apr 2021 20:50:55 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I will check the range issue on (non-VM) Linux. I don't have a Mac, so not 
>> sure what to do if Linux checks out.
>>> As for setting the spot light direction using rotation, I think there are 
>>> three API choices, and I don't like the third since it is inconsistent, so 
>>> really two choices.
>> The current patch uses approach 3, and I posted a couple of replacement 
>> files in the comment above that use approach 1. If you and Ambarish can 
>> compare these, we will have a better idea on what to do. I also think that 
>> either 1 or 2 are the best choices, so if you find approach 1 too confusing 
>> or 3 very convenient, I will merge them into approach 2.
>> The current patch uses approach 3
> Right.
>> and I posted a couple of replacement files in the comment above that use 
>> approach 1.
> I ran it, but didn't spend any time looking at how convenient it would be 
> from an API point of view.
>> If you and Ambarish can compare these, we will have a better idea on what to 
>> do. I also think that either 1 or 2 are the best choices, so if you find 
>> approach 1 too confusing or 3 very convenient, I will merge them into 
>> approach 2.
> I'm sort of leaning towards 2 (as you could probably guess from my comments 
> above). I'd like to hear from Ambarish as well.

@kevinrushforth I have just tested on Ubuntu 20 and I don't see any issue (at 
least not something that's different than Windows). If it's an issue with the 
range property, does it happen with point lights too? Does it happen before 
this patch (but with the attenuation patch)? Also, does it happen when there is 
only 1 light turned on or also more (there are different files for the number 
of lights)?

If you can give the exact values for the properties that cause this I will be 
able to try a direct reproduction. I tested the animating sphere. I suggest to 
use the Boxes models since they are not animated and the range is constant.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/334

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