the top of the failure trace:

org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...y, January 12, 60 Sh[ō]wa, 12:34:56 PM> but was:<...y, January 12, 60 Sh[o]wa, 12:34:56 PM>
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at test.javafx.util.converter.LocalDateTimeStringConverterTest.testChronologyConsistency(

looks like some problem with assumptions of Locale-dependent state (my default is German, obviously :). They are always a bit whacky, but am surprised to see it in gradle (which disturbs the final tests before every push now) - should I file a test bug? Or is there something to change locally?

-- Jeanette

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