On Tue, 28 Sep 2021 16:06:30 GMT, Michael Paus <mp...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Fixes the issue by using the "open" command as discussed before.
> See: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214158

To answer your questions:
1. I have no idea about LSOpenURLsWithRole. I am not a Mac developer.
2. I have manually tested the change:

        Button showHtml = new Button("HTML");
        showHtml.setOnAction(e -> {this.getHostServices().showDocument(new 
        Button showTxt = new Button("TXT");
        showTxt.setOnAction(e -> {this.getHostServices().showDocument(new 
        Button showCsv = new Button("CSV");
        showCsv.setOnAction(e -> {this.getHostServices().showDocument(new 

The code fragment above reliably opens the HTML document in Firefox (my default 
browser), the text document in BBEdit (my default text editor) and the CSV 
document in LibreOffice (my default Excel :-)

This also works if you just use the plain strings without conversion to an URI.

Here are the printed Java/FX version strings for completness:

    java.runtime.version: 18-ea+16-926
    javafx.runtime.version: 18-internal+0-2021-09-28-174132


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/634

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