On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 12:57:27 GMT, eduardsdv <d...@openjdk.java.net> wrote:

> If the InputMethod's node is not in the scene, the default text location 
> point is returned.

The fix looks good.

I thought about returning `null` if either the scene or the window is null. As 
we need to fix this corner case, whether returning `null` or the default point 
(as proposed in this PR)  does not matter. Both approaches will work.

- Have you verified the sample program attached to the JBS runs successfully 
with your fix?
- I have a very minor formatting comment on the test.

 line 105:

> 103:         // and that the default point is returned.
> 104:         Point2D point = 
> textField.getInputMethodRequests().getTextLocation(0);
> 105:         assertEquals(new Point2D(0,0), point);

Very minor : Please add a space between `0,0`


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/735

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