On Mon, 8 Aug 2022 13:41:24 GMT, Laurent Bourgès <lbour...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Changelog for this MarlinFX release:
>> The Marlin-renderer release provides bug fixes on Marlin's path 
>> clipper:
>> - improved Stroker to handle huge coordinates, up to 1E15
>> - improved PathClipFilter (filler) to handle huge coordinates, up to 1E15
>> This is the Marlin-renderer release providing few bug / enhancement 
>> fixes in the MarlinRenderingEngine:
>> - Update DPQS to latest OpenJDK 14 patch
>> - Improve cubic curve offset computation
>> The Marlin-renderer release provides a single long-standing bug fix 
>> in the MarlinRenderingEngine: 
>> - JDK-8230728, https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230728.
>> Marlin-renderer provides only a single bug fix in the path clipper, 
>> reported first against JavaFX 11: 
>> - JDK-8226789, https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8226789.
>> This is the Marlin-renderer 0.9.4 release providing an updated Dual Pivot 
>> Quick Sort (19.05) as its internal sorter faster than the Marlin's optimized 
>> MergeSort (x-position + edge indices) for arrays larger than 256.
>> Special Thanks to Vladimir Yaroslavskiy that provided me up-to-date DPQS 
>> 19.05 with many variants, improving almost-sorted datasets. We are 
>> collaborating to provide a complete Sort framework (15 algorithms, many 
>> various datasets, JMH benchmarks) publicly on github:
>> see https://github.com/bourgesl/nearly-optimal-mergesort-code
> Laurent Bourgès has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   upgraded to (no repeated lineTo) + fixed tests

The updates looks good with three comments left inline, summarized here:
1. The title (both in JBS and in this PR) should be change to reflect `` 
as the version
2. There are several missing `@param` tags in DPQS that would be helpful to add
3. You can remove the try/catch entirely from the `setupOnce` methods of the 

 line 116:

> 114:      * @param high the index of the last element, exclusive, to be sorted
> 115:      */
> 116:     static void sort(DPQSSorterContext sorter, int[] a, int[] auxA, 
> int[] b, int[] auxB, int low, int high) {

Here is one example of missing `@param` tags, in this case `sorter`, `auxA`, 
and `auxB`, but most methods are missing tags for some of their arguments.

modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/marlin/Version.java line 30:

> 28: public final class Version {
> 29: 
> 30:     private static final String VERSION = 
> "marlinFX-";

Can you change the title of the JBS bug and this PR to reflect the `.6` version 

tests/system/src/test/java/test/com/sun/marlin/ClipShapeTest.java line 984:

> 982:             assertTrue("Timeout waiting for Application to launch",
> 983:                     launchLatch.await(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
> 984:         } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

You can also remove the try / catch entirely if you change the method signature 

public static void setupOnce() throws Exception

(applies to other tests that were updated, too)


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/674

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