I've done some searching with Google using this query:

     "javafx.collections.ObservableMap" "implements ObservableMap"

And found what I think are only two distinct pieces of code that implements ObservableMap (aside from the ones in JavaFX).

One is in the Griffon framework which still seems to be an active project.  See these files:


The ObservableMapBase is declared as:

    public abstract class ObservableMapBase<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> implements ObservableMap<K, V>

Aside from Griffon framework, there is another use in a `SharedKeysMap`:

    public class SharedKeysMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> implements ObservableMap<K, V> {

It's described as a map which stores its values in an array and which can share its keys with other `SharedKeysMap`s.  I can't find anything about where this might be used, so it's probably a personal project.

That said, it doesn't look like this occurs in any of the more popular frameworks used with JavaFX.  I'm not sure about Griffon's popularity (first I heard of it). It's actively developed so if there is a migration path we might be able to contribute a solution.  I also checked more directly code in ControlsFX, ReactFX, RichTextFX and JFXtras.


On 28/10/2022 23:56, Stuart Marks wrote:


I'm impressed you found that compatibility report. :-)

The most severe compatibility issues indeed occur if the keySet(), values(), and entrySet() methods are overridden to have a covariant return type. Issues will arise with subclasses that already override any of those methods, either with the return types from Map, or with covariant overrides of their own.

It's true that bridge methods will be generated if this is done, and they take care of the most common compatibility issues. However, there is a compatibility matrix to be explored. My compatibility analysis considered old-binary, recompiled-source, and modified-source cases for both a library that has an at-risk subclass as well as an application that uses that library subclass. Some startling things emerged. What pushed me over the edge to decide against covariant overrides (in this part of the Sequenced Collections JEP) was that the behavior of a class could change silently upon recompilation, even if the source code wasn't changed.

Aside from this issue, there's a more fundamental semantic issue with the object design. If I have some ObservableMap implementation, presumably it provides a keySet() implementation that's not observable. If ObservableMap is changed to have the covariant overrides, this effectively imposes a new requirement that existing implementations cannot possibly fulfill. Sure, you could tinker things around so that things appear to work in some cases, but the semantics of doing this are highly questionable.

Now JavaFX could decide go ahead with this anyway, for a couple reasons. One might be, JavaFX doesn't care as much as the JDK about compatibility. It's (mostly) a different project, and it might have different compatibility constraints. You folks need to decide that. A second reason might be because there are vanishingly few or zero implementations of ObservableMap "in the wild," so any incompatibility would not cause any actual problems. This is difficult, but it's possible to get some information by doing source code searches. (Unfortunately there appear to be several libraries out there that have something called "ObservableMap" which will complicate the analysis.)

The alternative is to add observableKeySet/Values/EntrySet() default methods instead of covariant overrides. This is safer, but it does add some clutter to the API.


On 10/26/22 1:24 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:
I'm CC'ing Stuart Marks who has recently dealt with a similar issue when working on Sequenced Collections [1], and wrote a compatibility report [2] that includes an item about covariant overrides ("Covariant Overrides of `SequencedMap` View Collection Methods"), which is similar to what is discussed here. I contacted him off list to get his insights into the risks involved here.

To recap, ObservableMap inherits keySet(), entrySet() and values() from Map, which return the standard Set and Collection interfaces. ObservableMap should provide ObservableSet and perhaps the not-yet-existing ObservableCollection. There are 2 options here: one is to add additional default methods to ObservableMap that return observable collection, the second is to override the methods inherited from Map and change the return value. The latter has some backwards compatibility issues. It comes down to implementations of ObservableMap in the wild. I have yet to see any, personally. JavaFX does not itself expose any of its implementations, as ObservableMaps are obtained through FXCollections static methods.

I'd like to continue this discussion about the API side. I have already had some advances on the implementation.

[1] https://openjdk.org/jeps/431
[2] https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8266572

On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 12:02 AM Nir Lisker <nlis...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Then maybe a solution would be around adding new methods like
    observableKeySet(). These will need to be default methods, and
    the implementation could test if keySet() already returns an
    ObservableSet, in which case it returns it, and if not it wraps
    the Set in an ObservableSetWrapper or something like that.

    On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 11:50 AM John Hendrikx
    <john.hendr...@gmail.com> wrote:

        Sorry, I misunderstood, I missed that the methods weren't
        defined in ObservableMap, so no existing signature is changed.


        On 30/05/2022 09:39, Tom Schindl wrote:
        > Hi,
        > Well the binary compat IMHO is not a problem. If your subtype
        > overwrites the return type of a method the compiler will
        inserts a
        > bridge method:
        > Take this example
        > package bla;
        > import java.util.ArrayList;
        > import java.util.Collection;
        > import java.util.List;
        > public class Test {
        >     public interface IB {
        >         public Collection<String> get();
        >     }
        >     public interface I extends IB {
        >         public List<String> get();
        >     }
        >     public class C implements I {
        >         public ArrayList<String> get() {
        >             return new ArrayList<String>();
        >         }
        >     }
        > }
        > if you look at C with javap you'll notice
        > Compiled from "Test.java"
        > public class bla.Test$C implements bla.Test$I {
        >   final bla.Test this$0;
        >   public bla.Test$C(bla.Test);
        >   public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> get();
        >   public java.util.Collection get();
        >   public java.util.List get();
        > }
        > The problem is more that if someone directly implemented
        > him/her self that it won't compile anymore. So it is a source
        > incompatible change.
        > Tom
        > Am 30.05.22 um 08:58 schrieb John Hendrikx:
        >> It's not binary compatible, as changing the return type
        results in a
        >> new method that compiled code won't be able to find.
        >> See also "change result type (including void)" here:

        >> --John
        >> On 30/05/2022 03:22, Nir Lisker wrote:
        >>> Hi,
        >>> Picking up an old issue, JDK-8091393 [1], I went ahead
        and looked at
        >>> the
        >>> work needed to implement it.
        >>> keySet() and entrySet() can both be made to return
        ObservableSet rather
        >>> easily. values() will probably require an
        ObservableCollection<E> type.
        >>> Before discussing these details, my question is: is it
        >>> compatible
        >>> to require that these  methods now return a more refined
        type? I
        >>> think that
        >>> it will break implementations of ObservableMap out in the
        wild if it
        >>> overrides these methods in Map. What is the assessment here?
        >>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8091393

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