
I am trying to run tests with the officially released WebKit and Media
shared libraries using the -PSTUB_RUNTIME_OPENJFX option [1].
But it is failing in Gradle dependency verification with below error as
checksums are missing from verification metadata.

A problem occurred evaluating root project 'jfx'.
> Dependency verification failed for configuration ':openjfxStubs'
  5 artifacts failed verification:
    - javafx-20-ea+7.pom (org.openjfx:javafx:20-ea+7) from repository
    - javafx-media-20-ea+7-win.jar (org.openjfx:javafx-media:20-ea+7) from
repository MavenRepo
    - javafx-media-20-ea+7.pom (org.openjfx:javafx-media:20-ea+7) from
repository MavenRepo
    - javafx-web-20-ea+7-win.jar (org.openjfx:javafx-web:20-ea+7) from
repository MavenRepo
    - javafx-web-20-ea+7.pom (org.openjfx:javafx-web:20-ea+7) from
repository MavenRepo
  If the artifacts are trustworthy, you will need to update the
gradle/verification-metadata.xml file by following the instructions at

One way of resolving this issue would be to use SNAPSHOT dependencies.
Gradle does not verify them as their checksums would always change [2].
Also developers will no longer need to manually check and specify the
latest version for the -PSTUB_RUNTIME_OPENJFX option (after changes are
made in the build file to always refer to the SNAPSHOT version when this
option is specified).

But currently in Maven only EA builds of JavaFX are provided.
SNAPSHOT builds are not provided.

There had been a discussion in the past to not provide SNAPSHOT builds due
to some Gradle issue [3].
But since it has been more than 4 years since then, maybe the situation has
Is providing SNAPSHOT builds a possibility now ?

This will be convenient for developers especially for those who are not
actively working on the sources of WebKit and Media libraries.

[1] :
[2] :
[3] : https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/openjfx-dev/2018-July/022107.html


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