 error C2327: 'WebCore::MediaCapabilities::m_encodingTasks': is not a type 
name, static, or enumerator

Looking into it a bit more, it looks as if the compiler is failing to pick up the 'MediaCapabilities.h' header file that defines 'm_encodingTasks', shown below:


In the build messages, the error occurs right after:

> Task :web:compileNativeWin
Current settings: Configuration:Release Arch:x86_64
+ cmake --build C:/cygwin64/home/john/src/jfx/modules/javafx.web/build/win/Release --config Release --

The messages show the compiler invocation as:

-c C:\cygwin64\home\john\src\jfx\modules\javafx.web\build\win\Release\WebCore\DerivedSources\unified-sources\UnifiedSource-4babe430-14.cpp

It's as if the compiler is not picking up the '-I' option to include the header files in the 'mediacapabilities' directory.

Unfortunately, I don't have the log files from an earlier working build to see what's different.


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