I created this ticket: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8303209

With it I would like to make public a mechanism to see whether an event you fire yourself was consumed or not. Currently, the simplest mechanism to fire an event is casting your EventTarget to Node (if possible) and calling `fireEvent`.  However, this provides no feedback whether the event was consumed or not (events are copied, so checking the passed in event for `isConsumed` won't work).

The only option that seems to be available is to build your own dispatch chain (Using EventTarget#buildEventDispatchChain) and then passing in your own EventDispatcher (by for example copying the private implementation in EventDispatcherImpl) and then calling `dispatchEvent` on the resulting chain.  This then allows you to check for a `null` return to see if your event was consumed.

This seems really cumbersome, and so I wrote the above ticket to simplify this.

Note that I'm not really exposing anything new, only making it easier to achieve.



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