On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 10:20:12 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> @andy-goryachev-oracle raises a good point about perhaps wanting to solve 
>>> this in a similar way for the various places where we need to do some sort 
>>> of iterative adjustment (such as here and in the eventual solution for 
>>> JDK-8299753). It seems also worth looking at what @Maran23 proposes for 
>>> AnchorPane to fix JDK-8295078 in PR #910 (for which the review still needs 
>>> to be completed).
>> Yes, at this point we should probably discuss what would be the best 
>> solution to fix the snapping issues once and for all.
>> We might even want to look into other frameworks like Swing. 
>> Maybe there are people internally at Oracle who can give valuable input here 
>> too?
>> > @andy-goryachev-oracle raises a good point about perhaps wanting to solve 
>> > this in a similar way for the various places where we need to do some sort 
>> > of iterative adjustment (such as here and in the eventual solution for 
>> > JDK-8299753). It seems also worth looking at what @Maran23 proposes for 
>> > AnchorPane to fix JDK-8295078 in PR #910 (for which the review still needs 
>> > to be completed).
>> Yes, at this point we should probably discuss what would be the best 
>> solution to fix the snapping issues once and for all. We might even want to 
>> look into other frameworks like Swing. Maybe there are people internally at 
>> Oracle who can give valuable input here too?
> I think extracting the common code out of HBox and VBox would be good, as 
> they're basically doing the same thing in a different axis.  The code could 
> then be unit tested directly (ie. given a set of min/max/pref sizes, a target 
> size and a "snapper", calculate optimal sizes).  Something like this:
>      double[] distribute(double space, double[] minWidths, double[] 
> maxWidths, Snapper snapper);
> The minWidths/maxWidths would be min + pref or pref + max depending on the 
> situation, but this function wouldn't care.  The `Snapper` here would be 
> aware of the scale, and would be a dummy implementation that does nothing 
> when snapping is disabled.
> This purposely does not handle spacing between children, as you can calculate 
> that before hand and adjust `space` to the actual space available for 
> children, simplifying the code.
> Disclaimer: I used to create my own layout manager (see: 
> [smartlayout](https://github.com/hjohn/hs.ui.smartlayout/blob/master/src/main/java/hs/smartlayout/LayoutRequirements.java))
>  that took into account min/max and weight of each child, and even groups of 
> children (a restriction over two or more children at once) -- weight would 
> affect resizing, allowing you to make layouts where children took space 
> according to some ratio (1:2:3 for example).  This functionality I called a 
> `SpaceDistributor` which was purposely given a neutral name as it could be 
> used for both horizontal or vertical calculations.  When including weight, 
> the calculations could get so complex that I had multiple implementations and 
> an exhaustive search implementation (which was used by unit tests to verify 
> the optimized implementations). This was before scaling became an issue 
> though, so this code did not take snapping values to pixels into account.

> Thank you very much @hjohn for your extensive review. Before addressing your 
> comments, I'd like to get some clarification (ideally also from 
> @kevinrushforth), because I am a bit confused by the discussion so far.
> This PR is a very narrow patch that fixes an obvious bug in `HBox` and 
> `VBox`. It's narrow in that it doesn't change the present algorithm, it 
> merely corrects some of its flaws. There is a little bit of refactoring, but 
> that's only done where it helps readers to better understand the algorithm.

Yes, I think it's an improvement in filling the boxes properly (I asked for 
some clarification as I found the code hard to read, but that's probably how 
you found it).  My only worry is that it fixes this specific problem, but may 
be introducing a new issue (I think snapping values multiple times can 
introduce artifacts in the child sizes, even though they will all align 
correctly, I think they might be off a bit).  If you can confirm this isn't the 
case, or if it is, fix those last problems then I think it is a positive change.

I have noticed similar problems on my system where I don't use 100 or 200% 
scaling, and it would be good to see them fixed.
> However, the discussion seems to center around the idea of large-scale 
> refactoring, even across multiple components, including open tickets like 
> [8299753](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8299753). That's not something 
> I can do as part of this PR, and if large-scale refactoring is the way we 
> choose to go forward, I'd rather not spend more of my time on this particular 
> PR. There needs to be a realistic chance that this PR will be accepted for 
> integration basically as it is.

Those were possible future directions I suppose, not necessarily as part of 
this PR.  I dislike the code duplication, but it was that way already.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/445#issuecomment-1489314876

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