On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 14:19:35 GMT, Alexander Scherbatiy <alex...@openjdk.org> 

> The issue is reproduced on Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with Touchscreen display.
> To reproduce the issue run the 
> [ScrollPaneSample](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/93270/ScrollPaneSample.java)
>  with Monocle:
>> sudo jdk/bin/java -Dprism.verbose=true -Djavafx.platform=monocle 
>> -Dembedded=monocle -Dglass.platform=Monocle ScrollPaneSample
> An application consists of a ScrollPane with buttons. if a button is touched 
> by a finger, moved up/down and released, the button is scrolled and the 
> button's action is fired.
> This happens because Monocle generates mouse pressed, mouse dragged, scroll, 
> mouse released events when touch events are received.
> Even a  button is scrolled on a ScrollPane it still fires the button's action 
> on the synthesized mouse release event.
> My first attempt was to add a scroll event listener to a ButtonBehavior class 
> and disarm the button when the scroll event is received.
> This does work not in the case where buttons are small and scrolling buttons 
> leads that a finger is released on the next button (the scrolling process is 
> remained a slightly behind the touched finger so the finger is touched on one 
> button and released on another).
> In this case all scroll events goes to the first button and the second button 
> still fires its action (it does not disarmed because it does not receive 
> scroll events).
> The current fix adds drag event listener to ButtonBehavior to disarm the 
> button. Drag events goes to the touched and released buttons.
> Than I checked the fix on the same Raspberry Pi using GTK  with touchscreen.
>>  sudo jdk/bin/java -Dprism.verbose=true -Djavafx.platform=gtk 
>> ScrollPaneSample
> I have not seen scroll events using GTK (even using 
> -Dgtk.com.sun.javafx.gestures.scroll=true option), but GTK sends mouse drag 
> events on a button touch.
> The mouse drag event between a button touch and release events would disarm 
> the button in the proposed ButtonBehavior drag event handler. So I added the 
> check if the mouse drag is synthesized. If the mouse drag is synthesized 
> (Monocle case on touchscreen) it disarms the button, otherwise (GTK case) not.
> I checked the fix for the following controls placed on a ScrollPane (see 
> [ScrollPaneControlsSample](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/93271/ScrollPaneControlsSample.java)
>  sample) :
> - Fixed in corresponding behavior classes or its parents: Button, 
> ToggleButton, CheckBox, ComboBox, ChoiceBox, ColorPicker, DatePicker, 
> RadioButton 
> - Works because an action is not fired on mouse release event: TextField 
> - Does not work: Slider
> The Slider control does not work with the fix because it reacts not only on 
> mouse release event but on mouse drag event as well. It requires a separate 
> fix.
> I checked the Ensemble8 sample with the fix. It works with Monocle on 
> Raspberry Pi 3B+ on Touchscreen. Scrolling the main page by a finger does not 
> makes it to be pressed.
> The Ensemble8 sample does not work with GTK on Raspberry Pi 3B+ with 
> Touchscreen. I see it generates scroll events ( it has its own 
> [ScrollEventSynthesizer](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/blob/master/apps/samples/Ensemble8/src/app/java/ensemble/ScrollEventSynthesizer.java))
>  and action events and it can makes the Ensemble8 buttons on a ScrollPane to 
> be pressed.

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/406

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