On Mon, 10 Jul 2023 00:17:44 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Okay, that makes sense for the InvalidationListener. 
>> However, for the ChangeListener, as I see it, this PR gives two options, 
>> over the same listener: you can care only about the newValue, or you can 
>> care about both oldValue and newValue, both from the observableValue. These 
>> are then passed to the consumer/biConsumer that defines the ChangeListener, 
>> but I don't see any reason why this consumer/biconsumer needs to get 
>> initialized with any value at all, does it?
>> Only bindings apply the initial value: when you bind two properties 
>> (unidirectionally), one property will get any future values of the other, 
>> starting from the initial value. But I don't see that happening to 
>> changeListeners: when you add a changeListener to a property, I don't see 
>> the action being invoked with the current value of the property at that 
>> moment, only when the property does change from the current value.
>> In fact, if you run this test:
>>     private final StringProperty value = new SimpleStringProperty("Initial");
>>     @Test
>>     void 
>> subscribeConsumerShouldCallSubscriberImmediatelyAndAfterEachChange() {
>>         value.addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> 
>> System.out.println("changeListener, nv: " + nv));
>>         value.subscribe(nv -> System.out.println("consumer, nv = " + nv));
>>         value.subscribe((ov, nv) -> System.out.println("biconsumer, nv = " + 
>> nv));
>>         value.set("A");
>> }
>> you'll get:
>>     consumer, nv = Initial
>>     changeListener, nv: A
>>     consumer, nv = A
>>     biconsumer, nv = A
>> It feels wrong to see the first printout to me.
>> My point is that I don't see why we need to call the consumer at all before 
>> there is any actual change in the property.
> I think it would be better to see value listeners as the listener alternative 
> to what `bind` offers, except not limited to properties. The main purpose of 
> these subscriptions is to keep things in sync, not so much to know when 
> something changed. When you can use `bind` that would be ideal, but not all 
> properties can be bound, and not everything you may want to keep in sync is a 
> property.  `SelectionModel` is a good example; its properties can't be bound, 
> but it does have methods to modify the selection:
>      myModelSelection.subscribe(selectionModel::select);  // sync right away 
> thanks to initial call
> The same goes for other state that you may want to sync, like the example I 
> gave in another reply:
> node.sceneProperty()
>   .flatMap(Scene::windowProperty)
>   .flatMap(Window::showingProperty)
>   .orElse(false)
>   .subscribe(this::subscribeOrUnsubscribeDependingOnVisibility);
> It's much nicer if this gets called immediately, to avoid having to duplicate 
> this code to register the initial subscribers (and this code may need to 
> check the visibility first still... was this UI part added to an existing 
> visible UI?  Then register immediately, if it wasn't then do nothing and let 
> the subscriber above handle it... )
> I think calling subscribers immediately when it is possible and makes sense 
> to do so should be the default.  For change subscribers it makes no sense as 
> there is no change to report; for invalidation subscribers, you could again 
> make the case that it may be good to call them immediately if the property 
> isn't currently valid, if it weren't for the fact that `ExpressionHelper` 
> will make a property always valid when you register an `InvalidationListener` 
> (undocumented) -- and since it will always be valid immediately after 
> subscription, there is no need to do that initial call.  (The 
> `ExpressionHelper` making the property valid when a listener gets added may 
> even have been a quick hack, as it will unnecessarily make something valid, 
> which may result in **all** invalidation listeners getting called down the 
> line, while the intention maybe was to only call the newly registered one if 
> the property was currently invalid... too late to change this now though 
> without breaking lots of code.)
> So I realize this may seem inconsistent, but each subscriber type IMHO can 
> stand on its own and can have a different purpose and different semantics, 
> and I think that in the case of a value subscriber, there is a lot more 
> benefit from calling the subscriber immediately than th...

Thanks for the clarifications. 
If I get it right, you talk about `invalidation subscriber` for 
`subscribe(Runnable)` API, `value subscriber` for `subscribe(Consumer)` API and 
`change subscriber` for `subscribe(BiConsumer)` API, and that's fine, but for a 
developer that approaches this new API, there is no indication of that (API 
naming, javadoc), so that's why I'm a little bit concerned about this different 
in behaviour of the value vs change subscribers.

As commented before, probably the javadoc for the three `subscribe` methods 
should be extended a little bit more with a mention of the listener involved, 
and with a small sample.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1069#discussion_r1257872604

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