On Sat, 5 Aug 2023 12:28:16 GMT, Thorsten Fischer <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I did open the bug report. Some notes to this PR:
> My colleagues and I are able to reproduce this bug regularly, even though it 
> takes sometimes up to 3 or 4 weeks until the D3DERR_DEVICEHUNG error shows 
> up. We are currently evaluating two versions of fixes, but until now we do 
> not have any results. I will post them as soon as I got them.
> Version 1 (this version): Based on the observation, that the 
> TestCooperativeLevel/CheckDeviceState method returns D3D_OK again after about 
> 20 - 60 seconds, the reinitialize is called after the first time the state is 
> returning D3D_OK. The 'isHung' flag stores the information until then.
> Version 2: calls reinitialize directly after D3DERR_DEVICEHUNG has been 
> returned. Basically
> if (hr == D3DERR_DEVICEREMOVED || hr == D3DERR_DEVICEHUNG  ) { .. }
> I did not modify the validatePresent method, as for our workaround (see 
> ticket) it was not necessary. At least the native call swapchain->present 
> dows not return that error code 
> (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d3d9/nf-d3d9-idirect3dswapchain9-present).
>  I did not look decisively into all the native calls behind 
> D3DRTTexture#readPixels.
> As I said I will post the results (prism.verbose output) for the 2 versions 
> later as a base for discussions.

This version seems like a straight-forward fix, so if it resolves the problem, 
it may well be the best option. It uses the existing well-tested logic to 
reinitialize once the graphics device reports that it is OK again.

We can discuss your findings regarding your "version 2" when you are ready, but 
we would need a pretty compelling reason to want to make any intrusive changes.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1199#issuecomment-1666508285

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