Dear John:

Based on what I understand about your proposal now, I think it’s a variant of 
the same thing, not fully developed and in some places based on the incorrect 
assumptions (S/B separation, stateless B).  But you know I am biased :-)

A more detailed proposal - up to you; there are literally thousands of bugs in 
FX that I’d rather focus on instead, but it’s an open source and nobody can 
tell you what to do :-)  May be a more detailed proposal at least outlining 
public APIs might help.

Looking at your Carousel TreeViewSkin demo (nice work, by the way!) I fully 
agree - there is no way we can reasonably create a base skin for that.  It is a 
new skin, or maybe even a new control altogether.

The separation between skins and behaviors are fuzzy, but we do have an 
established and well know pattern: MVC.  Behavior is the controller in this 
paradigm - a stateful logic which translates input events into changes in 
model.  You are proposing for B to translate the input events to another set of 
events which I think is unnecessary.  “Everything should be made as simple as 
possible, but not simpler”, to paraphrase Herr Einstein.  May be I don’t see a 
clear use case (for new events)?

A behavior listens for events (coming from control or elements of skin), 
maintains its state, translates these events into direct actions on the model 
or the control (control being a façade).  I think there is no need for an extra 
layer of events, especially if they bubble up.

Most use case I think are limited to developers changing a minor aspect of the 
skin/behavior - adding a corner node between horizontal and vertical scroll bar 
for example, or modifying the way currently selected item is highlighted vs. 
the mouse hover highlight, remap a key binding, or something like that.  Go 
beyond that - it’s a new thing altogether, as you rightfully said earlier.

Also, when looking at sufficiently complex control such as (Rich)TextArea or 
TreeTableView - I don’t think the behavior can be composited from a bunch of 
simple things - there is too much interaction.  So B ends up being a complex, 
stateful beast that tightly coupled with the particular implementation of the 
skin (so in some sense you are right, saying we have only skins).  Just like 
ComponentUI in swing.  It simply cannot be an interface or a singleton.

I am sorry, John, for my negative reaction to your proposal.  I am very 
grateful for the discussion, and I think we should discuss/develop some ideas 
in it further - like prioritization of event handlers.

What do you think we ought to do to move forward?

Thank you

From: John Hendrikx <>
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 15:04
To: Andy Goryachev <>, 
Subject: Re: [External] : Re: [Request for Comments] Behavior / InputMap

Hi Andy,
On 17/10/2023 20:07, Andy Goryachev wrote:
Dear John:

It looks like we have different views on the subject, so perhaps we should 
invite other people to weigh in.

I would be interested to hear from others on this subject as well.

I feel however that I may need to make a more formal proposal to show more 
clearly what is possible.  I'd still be interested in hearing your views on the 
alternative proposal after I addressed your initial questions.  Do you need 
more information?

My goal is to move forward adding missing features without making any drastic 
changes, and avoid regressions as much as possible.  We also have to be mindful 
of the fact that we are dealing with constrained resources, so any major 
development is very likely out of question.  That’s why

I don't think my proposal is that drastic, nor do I think it will be the cause 
of any major regressions.  Nor do I agree that my alternative is that much 
harder to implement.  It may require a bit more work upfront, but it also 
offers more in the end.  It still can be implemented one control at a time.

My problem here is that by making this class public (which IMHO is not a good 
design) will lock us out of improving this later.
If nobody uses FX there will be no “later”.  If customers’ code breaks too 
often they will switch to some [unnamed] alternative.

That's conditional on if we're breaking code, who said anything about that?  
Are you saying we can't change internals too much?

Nothing Behavior related should be made public without a full design of how 
Behaviors should work, what their responsibilities are, how they interact with 
Skins (if at all, IMHO they shouldn't), etc.  Once a design is known and agreed 
upon, then we can work on step-by-step improvements by making parts public, and 
leaving parts hidden.
We kind of know what behaviors do - they handle user input, modifying the 
appearance or internal state of the control.

I just want to mention again that behaviors must interact with skins - not all 
the behaviors, but some.  For example, TextArea “MOVE_LINE_END” needs to know 
how the text is laid out in order to determine the target caret position, this 
function cannot be implemented without the skin and the laid out text.  I think 
we need to take into account this constraint.

This is a technical issue that can be resolved.  Tying Behaviors and Skins 
together just means we only have one thing: Skins.  In that case, why pretend 
there even are behaviors?  If Skins need to provide functionality, this can be 
achieved differently.  TextArea could provide overridable hooks for this, Skins 
could install an event handler for TextAreaEvent.MOVE_LINE_END; just the fact 
that the TextArea skin is doing it this way is a red flag that clearly shows 
this class may need some adjustments as it was clearly not well separated -- 
it's normal for such problems to appear when trying to introduce something new; 
you don't work around them, you solve them.

Another point is that behavior is sometimes stateful, so let’s take this into 
account as well.
I've taken it into account now, and state can be associated with behaviors 
easily enough, without having a behavior be both the state class and the 
factory.  It's a minor separation, but makes it much easier to reason about.

I think BehaviorBase is just a convenient way to access the new input map (the 
subject of the new proposal).  If someone does not want or does not need to use 
the input map - fine, nothing in the proposed design requires them to use it.  
I don’t think it should be an interface either - the methods in BehaviorBase 
are protected because they are offered for subclasses only, and making BB an 
interface will turn these public which isn’t right.
I have a better solution for this, allowing Behavior to be an interface, with 
easy subclassing and composition options to manipulate the contained inputmap 
(without actually needing to expose an inputmap).

I do acknowledge that the issue of ordering of calls to added handlers might be 
undefined/unexpected, especially after a skin change.  This is the existing 
condition, and we probably should try to solve it in a separate thread.  I 
think that for skins the expectation is that the handlers added by the user are 
orthogonal to those added by the skin/behavior, and if they are not - use event 
filter, or let’s talk about adding prioritization in a separate discussion.
I always expected such a fix to be a separate change.  It could even be delayed 
somewhat, but not forever.  As the current implementation does not specify any 
ordering, there is sufficient freedom to make minor adjustments here.  Again, 
event filters are not intended and insufficient for this purpose.

I also acknowledge that the input map proposal does not address the issue of 
creating alternative custom skins and extending behaviors beyond modifying the 
key mappings and some limited manipulations of handlers.  But, in my opinion, 
it adds substantial value to the application developers without upsetting the 
cart too much.

Skins are sufficiently easy as it is, and I don't see it as a goal to do 
anything here, as long as we keep them separated not much thought needs to go 
here; designing Skins for possible extension (with well specified protected 
methods that can't be changed anymore as they're API) is a near impossibility 
so I don't see that happening ever.  FX Skins are just too complex for that 
(they're not really what people view traditionally as Skins, just some graphics 
that can be replaced).

Skinning will IMHO remain a business of writing a complete new skin, as the 
options are endless and any customization of an existing Skin is bound to 
almost always run into a place where insufficient customization options will 
force the creation of a new Skin -- you simply can't design for the unknowable. 
 For example, I have Skins for ListView that turn it into a column based view, 
and one that turns it into a fully 3d animated image carousel 
 -- there's just no way that could be achieved "customizing" ListViewSkin.

Behaviors are however much more limited, and not nearly as complex; they can be 
and should be extendible in the future.

They say “better is the enemy of good”, which is apt in our case, though I hope 
we can somehow agree on a solution in a reasonable time.

That's the rule for code that can be changed in the future :)  For API's the 
rule is: if you aren't sure, then don't.


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