On Tue, 14 Nov 2023 21:03:59 GMT, Andy Goryachev <ango...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> @andy-goryachev-oracle You're right, this PR also deals with the problem of 
>> the map retaining stale entries when the user switches layout. I added 
>> details about this to the JBS ticket. We could treat it as a separate bug if 
>> you want, to me it's just the sort of standard housekeeping one does when 
>> caching information.
>> I also added a note about the KeyboardTest app. This PR scales back that 
>> test a bit but this is the first time we've been able to run the 
>> KeyCharacterCombinations on the Mac so that portion is basically a new test.
>> Let me know if you want further information in the JBS ticket.
> @beldenfox thank you.  I still not entirely sure what issue is being tested 
> and how to fix it, between this PR and JBS.
> For example, when I run the application listed in JBS description with your 
> fix, I get one "HI" - is it expected?  (I also get 1 "HI" on Windows)
> On macOS, new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.MINUS, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN) 
> does not equal to new KeyCharacterCombination("-", 
> KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN) (same on Windows)
> Interestingly, Ctrl+- on macOS with the US keyboard produces
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_PRESSED, character=<\u00>, text=, code=CONTROL, control}
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_PRESSED, character=<\u00>, text=, code=MINUS, control}
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_TYPED, character=<\u1F>, text=, code=UNDEFINED, control}
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_RELEASED, character=<\u00>, text=, code=MINUS, control}
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_RELEASED, character=<\u00>, text=, code=CONTROL}
> but on Windows, we don't get KEY_TYPED event:
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_PRESSED, character=<\u00>, text=, code=CONTROL, control, 
> shortcut}
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_PRESSED, character=<\u00>, text=-, code=MINUS, control, 
> shortcut}
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_RELEASED, character=<\u00>, text=-, code=MINUS, control, 
> shortcut}
> KeyEvent{type=KEY_RELEASED, character=<\u00>, text=, code=CONTROL}
> is this expected?
> And yes, it would help if we can extract any other issues into their own 
> tickets (unless they all being fixed by this change).
> If I may make one suggestion - for the sake of reviewers - to re-phrase the 
> JBS ticket in the format of
> - steps to reproduce
> - expected outcome
> - observed outcome
> it would help a lot!
> Thanks!

@andy-goryachev-oracle What keyboard layout do you normally use on Windows? And 
Mac? When talking about the behavior of punctuation this is a crucial bit of 

> but on Windows, we don't get KEY_TYPED event:
> is this expected?

When you hold down Ctrl and press a key the platform may or may not generate a 
low-ASCII control code. JavaFX has never tried to make the platforms consistent 
here, Glass just passes on whatever the OS generates. In any case the 
TextInputControls treat these TYPED events as nuisances, if you look in 
TextInputControlBehavior.java and read `defaultKeyTyped` you'll see how it 
tries to filter out control codes and anything else that looks like it was 
associated with a shortcut.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1209#issuecomment-1811629222

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