On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 00:00:32 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Moves `SimpleSelector` and `CompoundSelector` to internal packages.
>> This can be done with only a minor API break, as `SimpleSelector` and 
>> `CompoundSelector` were public before.  However, these classes could not be 
>> constructed by 3rd parties.  The only way to access them was by doing a cast 
>> (generally they're accessed via `Selector` not by their sub types).  The 
>> reason they were public at all was because the CSS engine needs to be able 
>> to access them from internal packages.
>> This change fixes a mistake (or possibly something that couldn't be modelled 
>> at the time) when the CSS API was first made public. The intention was 
>> always to have a `Selector` interface/abstract class, with private 
>> implementations (`SimpleSelector` and `CompoundSelector`).
>> This PR as said has a small API break.  The other changes are (AFAICS) 
>> source and binary compatible:
>> - Made `Selector` `sealed` only permitting `SimpleSelector` and 
>> `CompoundSelector` -- as `Selector` had a package private constructor, there 
>> are no concerns with pre-existing subclasses
>> - `Selector` has a few more methods that are now `protected` -- given that 
>> the class is now sealed, these modified methods are not accessible (they may 
>> still require rudimentary documentation I suppose)
>> - `Selector` now has a `public` default constructor -- as the class is 
>> sealed, it is inaccessible
>> - `SimpleSelector` and `CompoundSelector` have a few more `public` methods, 
>> but they're internal now, so it is irrelevant
>> - `createMatch` was implemented directly in `Selector` to avoid having to 
>> expose package private fields in `Match` for use by `CompoundSelector`
>> - No need anymore for the `SimpleSelectorShim`
> modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/java/javafx/css/Selector.java line 179:
>> 177:      * @throws IOException if reading from {@code DataInputStream} fails
>> 178:      */
>> 179:     protected static Selector readBinary(int bssVersion, 
>> DataInputStream is, String[] strings)
> This is an API addition, so will need an `@since 23`. Since you are adding 
> new API here, should it be an instance method rather than a static method? Or 
> is is called without having an instance of Selector in some cases?

I'll add the `@since 23`, however it can't be called by anyone except FX itself.

Some background: the readBinary/writeBinary methods are ultimately called via 
the publicly accessible methods `loadBinary` and `saveBinary` in 

The reason it needs to be `protected` now is because `CompoundSelector` is 
using this (but IMHO, it shouldn't have).  Why I say it shouldn't?  That's 
because it already knows what it will be reading will all be `SimpleSelector`s, 
as it stores a counter (a `short`) and then loads that many `SimpleSelector`s.  
However, by not taking the direct route of using `SimpleSelector#readBinary` 
(and the corresponding `SimpleSelector#writeBinary`) there is an additional 
`byte` prefix indicating the type of selector -- this isn't needed and wastes 
some space in the binary format.

Changing that now however would make the binary format incompatible with 
earlier versions, so I think making this `protected` is a reasonable solution.  
It also mirrors the `writeBinary` method then, which was already `protected`.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1333#discussion_r1458688819

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