On Fri, 2 Feb 2024 22:06:41 GMT, Martin Fox <m...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > So basically, a pragma to workaround a limitation of Xcode.
> I wouldn't describe this as a limitation of Xcode. After all, the glass code 
> is trying to access a 14.0 API using a 13.3 SDK. If the language was C++ the 
> call wouldn't be in the headers and the code wouldn't compile.

In C++ we would need to use reflection (dlsym), so I can see your point.

> If we launch a jfx22 app on macOS 13 in theory we're sending NSApp an 
> `activate` selector that it doesn't recognize. Or maybe it does? It's 
> possible that this is an old internal call that Apple finally documented in 
> 14.0. That would explain why they would be lenient about issuing a warning. 
> I'll run some tests.

No, we're not. The `@available` generates a runtime check so that code is 
executed only if the runtime platform is macOS 14.x or later.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/687#issuecomment-1924782232

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