I second what John and Michael say (provide more APIs in OpenJFX that can
only realistically be implemented in OpenJFX).

I believe the experience from Robert as the creator of ValidatorFX is
extremely valuable to this. The key question that might help to see what we
need here is: "What would have made it easier to create ValidatorFX (I hear
the point of not using final everywhere)?"

- Johan

On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 10:03 AM Michael Strauß <michaelstr...@gmail.com>

> I would not be in favor of adding any particular data validation
> framework to JavaFX. Data validation comes in all kinds of different
> shapes and sizes, which makes it a good fit for (opinionated)
> third-party libraries. However, I fully agree with John that JavaFX
> should provide more APIs that can only realistically be implemented in
> FX. I've proposed a "significant interaction" API, which is crucial
> for many data validation scenarios:
> https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/openjfx-dev/2023-March/039327.html
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 12:50 PM Dirk Lemmermann <dlemmerm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I updated the validation framework ValidatorFX today in our project to
> the latest release and I really like it a lot. It is a small compact API
> and works with any observable as opposed to the validation support provided
> by ControlsFX.
> >
> > Using it made me wonder whether it would make sense to bundle it or
> something like it directly with JavaFX. Developers often mention missing
> validation support as a drawback of using JavaFX. Adding this would take
> one item off from the list of arguments against using JavaFX.
> >
> > Many UI frameworks do have built-in validation support, e.g. Vaadin [0],
> Angular, [1], or QT [2]
> >
> > What do you think?
> >
> > —Dirk
> >
> > [0]
> https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/binding-data/components-binder-validation
> > [1] https://angular.io/guide/form-validation
> > [2] https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick-input-textinput.html
> >

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