On Fri, 8 Mar 2024 18:08:15 GMT, Marius Hanl <mh...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Tested with a big application, did not find any regression. All listeners 
> still work as expected, tested especially a lot of 'if something is selected, 
> this button should be enabled/disabled' and the like. I did not checked the 
> code yet, just a little bit. One question: Should I test something special/do 
> you see a case which could cause a problem here?

I think testing it with a big application is excellent (I do the same here with 
my own large application), and I'm happy to hear you did not spot any 

This change does change (unspecified) behavior a little bit, although I think 
well within the documented contract of how change listeners operate (ie. 
applications should not be relying on the unspecified behavior).

It will be hard to notice any change directly, as the changes are all related 
to advanced usage of listeners (adding/removing listeners during listener 
callbacks) or nested changes (the same property gets changed **during** a 
callback, directly or indirectly).

1. During a listener callback, you remove a listener that is currently being 
notified (ie. yourself, or any listener that may have triggered your callback 
that is further up the call stack)
  - Before this change, there is a chance that such a removed listener may 
still be called a few more times, despite it being removed in nested cases; its 
doubtful anyone is relying on that behavior, and (IMHO) these extra callbacks 
are more likely to break things, because things have been cleaned up (who 
assumes that their listener might still get called after removal?)
2. During a listener callback, you add a listener that is currently being 
notified (this can't be yourself, but it could be a listener on a property that 
triggered your callback that is further up the stack)
  - Before this change, this newly added listener may start participating in 
the current nested listener notification (ie. it would start participating 
halfway during a chain of nested changes).  After this change, such a newly 
added listener would only be notified on the **next** top level change.  It's 
unlikely anyone is relying on this behavior.
3. During a listener callback, you change the value the property it is attached 
to (or any property that may have led to your callback being called further up 
the callstack).
  - The most "common" scenario for this is veto-ing changes.  For example, a 
property that can't be empty may get set to a non-empty value (or its original 
value) in a listener, triggering another notification.  Your listener would not 
notice any differences (it would get called immediately with the change that 
you just did), but any listeners added after yours may not "see" the empty 
value because it was changed to something else before they were called.  They 
will only see the new value (and the corresponding **correct** old value since 
last they were called -- they may also be not called at all if the value was 
changed back to its original, and so they would be completely unaware of the 
temporary change.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1081#issuecomment-1986734228

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