Dear JavaFX developers:

Thank you all for your feedback on my earlier Behavior/InputMap proposal [6], 
[7].  There was some positive reaction to the idea of allowing for easy 
customization of JavaFX controls behavior, as well as some push back.  Some of 
the objections were:

  *   desire for some static behavior to avoid the per-instance penalty
  *   clearer separation of concerns between controls, skins, and behaviors
  *   desire to have some sort of public API for behaviors
  *   need for addressing an issue with the event handler execution order 
between application and skins

I would like to restart the discussion by submitting the updated proposal [0] 
which addresses the issues raised earlier.  The new proposal retains the idea 
of allowing wider customization of key mappings via the InputMap.  The new 
features include:

  *   separation of SkinInputMap from the control's InputMap
  *   enabling static skin input maps for stateless behaviors
  *   explicit priority levels for event handlers and key mappings created by 
the application and by the skin

The ideas put forth in this proposal have been validated with the 
proof-of-concept migration of some non-trivial controls:

  *   complex popup-like controls: ComboBox, ColorPicker, DatePicker
  *   complex text input controls: PasswordField, TextArea, TextField
  *   control with a stateless behavior: TabPane

as well as a brand new RichTextArea control being incubated [8].

Please take a look at the proposal [0], a list of discussion points [1], and 
the API Specification (javadoc) [2]. While the proposed API is ready for 
review, it isn't complete nor set in stone. We are looking for feedback, and 
will update the proposal based on the suggestions we receive from the 
community.  We encourage you to comment either in the mailing list, or by 
leaving comments inline in a draft pull request [3].

For context, the links to the original RFE [4] and the earlier proposals [6], 
[7] are provided below.

What do you think?


[0] Proposal:
[1] Discussion points:
[2] API specification (javadoc):
[3] Draft Pull Request for API comments and feedback:
[4] Public InputMap RFE:
[5] Documenting behaviors (WIP):
[6] Earlier proposal:
[7] Earlier proposal in the OpenJFX mailing list:
[8] RichTextArea (Incubator)

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