On Tue, 2 Apr 2024 12:58:27 GMT, eduardsdv <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This change fixes the calculation of which nodes go to the toolbar and which 
>> go to the overflow menu.
>> It is now determined before the nodes are removed from the scene graph.
>> This is important because the values returned by 
>> ``Node.prefWidth(..)``/``Node.prefHeight(..)`` may depend on whether the 
>> node is added to the scene graph.
>> Furthermore I corrected the ``hasOveflow`` value passed to the 
>> ``organizeOverflow(double, boolean)`` in ``correctOverflow(double)``.
> eduardsdv has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   JDK-8328577: Add unit test

Thank you for adding a unit test!

I think you might have introduced an issue.  I am using the Monkey Tester
 to dynamically change the application style sheet by adding the following line:

.button { -fx-padding: 100 100 100 100; }

it's a bit extreme, yes, but once that update is made, I can get it to generate 
continuous flicker (see the recording).


steps to reproduce (with the MT):
- select ToolBar page from the list on the left
- set HORIZONTAL orientation
- open Tools -> CSS Playground tool, enter the CSS string above, press Update 
- try resizing the split pane containing the tool bar.  at some point the 
flicker starts.
- I also see the small buttons in the area that flickers, suggesting that CSS 
might not be applied correctly

For reference, I am running this on a secondary monitor with 100% scale with 
macOS 14.4.1


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1434#issuecomment-2048603429

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