
On 15/05/2024 14:49, Martin Fox wrote:
> Mark,
> You may already know this but before JavaFX 21 the Mac and Windows Robot code 
> had some long-standing bugs with non-US keyboards. Linux is in better shape 
> but you can encounter problems if the user has installed multiple layouts (I 
> have a PR pending to fix that). That might explain some of the flakey 
> behavior you’ve been seeing. Your approach might also invoke an unexpected 
> dead key depending on what modifiers you’re probing.

Very possible. I use this base set of keycodes:


I iterate over each key in that set, sending that keycode to a text
field. I then do the same for each keycode but with the shift key held.
I don't doubt that it could cause havoc in some setups!

> With one exception JavaFX doesn’t have any facility for querying the keyboard 
> layout. It relies on the platform code to take in keyboard events and 
> translate them to JavaFX events on the fly. The exception is the internal 
> call Toolkit.getKeyCodeForChar which attempts to map from a character to a 
> KeyCode and is used to match shortcuts specified as KeyCharacterCombinations. 
> Unfortunately the current implementation on Mac and Linux can’t really be 
> extended to cover the sort of testing you’re trying to do.


> JavaFX needs a better framework for testing text entry and I’ve thought about 
> how that might look...

In my case, I'm almost always testing whether some UI elements become
enabled or disabled based on validation occurring on a text field of
some kind. A recent case was checking to see if a text field correctly
rejected input that didn't appear to be an email address. Typing '@'
into the field was difficult to make reliable. :)

Mark Raynsford | https://www.io7m.com

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