I agree - having CSS variables will definitely help.  Personally, I would 
rather see a better way to create stylesheets programmatically, bypassing the 
whole parsing routine, but I am sure a lot of people would be more comfortable 
if things were similar to web css.

Enabling CSS variables seems to me like a lot of work though, but I could be 
mistaken.  Any ideas how to add support for CSS variables to JavaFX?


From: Pedro Duque Vieira <pedro.duquevie...@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 15:51
To: Andy Goryachev <andy.goryac...@oracle.com>
Cc: openjfx-dev@openjdk.org <openjfx-dev@openjdk.org>
Subject: [External] : Re: UI elements sizing in Modena.css
.. one more reason to use the CSS variable spec that I forgot to mention:
 5 - It's a spec that has been thoroughly thought of before it was added to CSS 
and it has stood the test of time.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 11:04 PM Pedro Duque Vieira 
<pedro.duquevie...@gmail.com<mailto:pedro.duquevie...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Andy, if I understand the suggestion correctly, you want to set the Modena 
sizes using variables that can be easily overridden. To that effect variables 
must first be able to hold numeric values as, as it stands today
JavaFX only allows colors to be used for CSS variables.
So, you're also suggesting adding the ability for CSS variables to define inset 
values, is that correct?

I think that's a good idea. I would, however, generalize that to allow CSS 
variables to hold numeric values that could be used anywhere. Or at least, 
starting to pave the ground for that.

I would go even further and start to pave ground to add the CSS variable spec 
into javafx css: 

Why use the css web spec? Because of the following reasons:
1 - Designers already know how to work with the css web spec
2 - there are already many tools available that work with the css web spec
3 - there are already many examples on the web using CSS so developers can just 
copy paste those examples
4 - Developers coming from the web can easily start using javafx css with no 
friction and no need to learn it


On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 9:04 PM Andy Goryachev 
<andy.goryac...@oracle.com<mailto:andy.goryac...@oracle.com>> wrote:
Since we touched the modena.css, I would like to ask the group's opinion on 
whether we should fix the way modena.css sizes UI elements.  Please see 
https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8314683 for reference, where changing the 
font size also unexpectedly changed the scrollbar.

What do you think about introducing a set of variables similar to -fx-base but 
for sizing/padding, placing them early on to depend on the font size in the 
.root selector instead of the font in the actual control?  Something along the 
lines of

.root {

-fx-size-3px: 0.25em;



.scroll-bar:horizontal > .increment-button > .increment-arrow {

    -fx-padding: -fx-size-3px -fx-size-3px -fx-size-3px -fx-size-3px;


instead of

.scroll-bar:horizontal > .increment-button > .increment-arrow {

    -fx-padding: 0.333em 0.167em 0.333em 0.167em; /* 4 2 4 2 */


This way we still permit the UI components resize with the main font, while 
keeping the sizes of all the control surfaces consistent?

This will require a trivial change in InsetsConverter.

What do you think?


Pedro Duque Vieira (Duke) - 

Pedro Duque Vieira (Duke) - 

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