--- Comment #2 from ---
The one and only I can retrieve:

Assertion failed: !LDAP_BACK_CONN_TAINTED( lc ) (bind.c: ldap_back_conn_delete:

(With slapd 2.6.3 on alpine linux docker)

The problem: it is running in docker - when the container dies, the core dump
is away. Running native is risky - docker immediately restarts the container in
case of a crash.

But: I think I have the config option for reproducing:

For security reasons, the root-pw of the slapd and the bind to upstream ldap
were configured with different values.


idassert-bind bindmethod=simple


rootdn  "uid=ldap,ou=Users,o=<...>,dc=<...>,dc=com"
rootp   "someotherpw"

was configured. 

After I changed rootdn/rootpw to the same value of idassert-bind this problem
disappeared. Second: it requires some load on slapd as far as I see - eg, more
than one request per second for about 10 minutes. 

Later this day I check if I can setup a small test environment for producing a
full stacktrace without inflecting our production environment but I hope, my
further information help.

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