--- Comment #8 from ---
In my opinion example given in test080-hotp which uses
PcbKpIJKbSiHZ7IzHiC0MWbLhdk= as a secret is misleading. 

PcbKpIJKbSiHZ7IzHiC0MWbLhdk= is base64 encoded value of 3d c6 ca a4 82 4a 6d 28
87 67 b2 33 1e 20 b4 31 66 cb 85 d9 which is pointed by you recently. 

The problem is that expected HOTP values which are embedded in the tests are
not correct because openldap treat this secret PcbKpIJKbSiHZ7IzHiC0MWbLhdk= as
a raw value directly (no base64 decoding is done before) which is the key point

This means that the secret is PcbKpIJKbSiHZ7IzHiC0MWbLhdk= NOT 3d c6 ca a4 82
4a 6d 28 87 67 b2 33 1e 20 b4 31 66 cb 85 d9. 

Google Authenticator or require base32 encoded secret, so the
secret which should be given there is

So, expected values in the tests should different. Proper values are presented

TOKEN_0 - 192008
TOKEN_1 - 057719
TOKEN_2 - 547141
TOKEN_3 - 369878
TOKEN_4 - 225285
TOKEN_5 - 963571
TOKEN_6 - 130275
TOKEN_7 - 469460
TOKEN_8 - 496738
TOKEN_9 - 097212
TOKEN_10 - 086214


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