On 7/21/19 4:32 AM, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
> You missed the point.  It wasn't about syncrepl vs back-ldap, it was
> about whether or not *anything* used in slapd should ever pull in data
> from ldap.conf.

From my understanding up to now ldap.conf was used in back-ldap and
people make use of it. Aside from whether this was a doc or
implementation bug you should seriously consider whether it's worth the
trouble to change back-ldap's behaviour within 2.4.x release series.

Personally I'm in the camp of explicitly specifying (possibly different)
trust anchors for every aspect. Especially since we all should use a
decent config management today it's really easy. So I'd like to propose
a change for 2.5.x that nothing within slapd uses ldap.conf
(LDAPNOINIT=1 for all of slapd's internal stuff).

Also I don't want to use system-wide trust stores by default without
explicitly being configured. But that's another issue.

Ciao, Michael.

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